Chapter 23: Bruschetta

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"ZZzzzzZzzzZz," my sister   said, when asked what I should say at the beginning of this chapter. (She's sleeping and I needed to update. LOL)

  The next night, Hulk must have been busy, because another one of Fico's henchmen escorted me through the mansion, to the back patio of the estate. The sun was setting, casting a bright orange glow over the twinkling pool and the guests

My eyes swept past unfamiliar faces and sought the man who was giving me the worst case of butterflies. Fico's henchman lagged behind me and then started talking to a brunette that I practically threw in his path. Soon, I was home free without a watchdog trailing behind me.

I wore the silver, off-shouldered cocktail dress that held a beautiful sparkle under the sunset. The dress itself was modest in length, but embraced my curves and accentuated my generous cleavage. For the first time, I'd allowed Fico's helpers to do my makeup and my hair. My eye makeup was smoky, lips smeared with a nude shade lipstick and lip-gloss over it, and my short blonde hair had been curled and tamed into an elegant style.

I casually made my way around the pool. There were hundreds of people­­–plenty of them wealthy and outsiders– and none of them took a moment to even glimpse at me. I wrapped my arms around myself. I'd figured that Fico would have arrived at the party with me, but when another man had come to my bedroom to take me, I'd realized I was wrong. As I watched a couple a few feet away from me dance to the low music, I wondered if I was wrong about many things regarding Fico Vitali...

Where the hell was he, anyway?

A server offered me a drink and I downed two before he could name the fancy poison. It was fruity and went down like the smoothest tequila. I'd actually considered chasing the server down and taking a third one, when I spotted Hulk about twenty feet away from me. He was explaining something to a middle-aged man with silvery hair. Whatever the two were talking bout, Hulk didn't look happy about it and neither did the man he was talking to. As if sensing my stare, Hulk stopped–looked around to see if anyone was watching–which made me sharply turn my head the other way.

When I looked back at Hulk, he was closer to the old man and seemed to be intimidating him. I started to weave through people towards a table with hors d'oeuvre's, trying to get closer to their conversation. Pretending to be interested in the food (didn't really need to pretend) I picked up a fresh tomato something on crunchy something bread and hid behind a plump man with a cigar in his mouth. The plump man started to move closer to Hulk. I shoved the delicious, fresh appetizer into my mouth, chewed quickly, and followed behind Plumpy to hide myself. The man stopped walking a little ways behind Hulk's back, to talk to a man with a goatee.

"Don't make this worse than it has to be, Dego," Hulk was saying, when I tuned into his conversation. "If I go back to Fico and tell him you won't see him, you know what'll happen." As soon as I heard Fico's name, I peered around the round man with the cigar to get a better view.

"You listen to me closely, Robert, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what I did wrong," Dego replied firmly. "I know damn well what Fico did to Jesse and Vic last week, and I know they didn't get no hearing or nothing before he did it. So forgive me if I don't go blindly to meet with Fico at the side of the fücking house to get my throat slit. The kid is losing his marbles if he thinks I'm going to meet with him like that. I've been around."

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