Kano (Will Update as the book goes)

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Alias: ?????? (True Name)

Current Age: Unknown

Gender: Male
Female (due to HUMAN transformation)

Birthday: Unknown

Status: Alive (as Euan, living within)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Occupation: Tutelary deity of the sea in Japanese Mythology
Patron God (Ujigami)

Family: 5 Daughters

Hair Color: Blue (Human)

Eye Color: Golden Yellow

Height: 5'7 (170.18 cm) (Human Male)
5'0 (152.4 cm) (Human Female)
45 ft (1371.6 cm) in length, 22.5 ft (685.8 cm) on all fours (Dragon)

Kano is the titular Blue Dragon of DxD: The Blue Dragon. A dragon of an unknown origin, he resides within Euan to aid him between his normal life and among the supernatural. A part of Kano forms into a Longinus-like "Sacred Gear" on his partner's right hand.

Not much is known about Kano other than being a very long Blue Dragon. In art however, he is typically portrayed as a sea-dwelling dragon or a giant snake.

When Kano speaks, he's fluent in English with an American accent. He can speak fluently in Tagalog when needed to and learned it from Euan's parents, practicing the language.

Before the events of The Blue Dragon, Kano has a very calm and collected demeanor, often accidentally giving off a somewhat icy vibe to those around him since he seems to act rather detached in mortal realms. He has his own reasons for acting this way, but often keeps any details of his long life under lock and key unless someone manages to get really close to him. Kano is a hard nut to crack, and usually one of his only weaknesses is seeing others cry, easily turning his standoff-ish personality into one of incredble gentleness. Gentle is also the term for his behavior around those he considers friends. Kano also has a bit of a superiority complex, often going out of his way to help strangers out of pity unless of course said stranger has done something for him first. He always makes sure to repay his debts, and never forgets those who are kind to him. Winning his loyalty is a bit of a challange, as is with any dragon, but once one does, he becomes the most reliable friend and ally in the entire multiverse. When someone actually manages to anger him, his fury is nothing to be laughed at, often falling into fits of rage until the source of his rage is completely destroyed or someone close to him manages to calm him down. His rage is one of the very few ways to trigger an involuntary transformation into his Dragon form, but luckily, he's very patient and slow to anger.

In The Blue Dragon, Kano retains all of those qualities over the many, many years, and becomes a bit more open minded when he's with Euan. Witnessing the latter's life, Kano has always been friendly and empathetic to Euan ever since he was in Elementary School. According to Euan himself, he and Kano seem to be almost the same in terms of personality, confirming the count of their respective similarities and differences to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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