𝑫𝒂𝒚 2: 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒆𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓

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14th April
Claudia Schneider

I woke up already at six AM and didn't knew, what to do. I was completely down. It was almost like, everyone had another sexuality or gender identity as their biological gender. I felt like the only person who actually was straight and you know... normal???
It was a bad word to use, but in my eyes, straight people were the normal ones. I liked LGBTQ members, but yesterday they were really disrespectful and I think I have the right to say that. I scrolled to my tiktok for you page with a video of the german channel Mitreden.
Which means: to have to say. Sometimes they made good content, but most of the time they made shitty and stupid videos, with invented terms, like period-shaming. It meant that people, who advertise menstruation products with blue liquid instead of red aren't normalizing girls having period, but this was just one example, which annoyed me so much. The reason, why I knew them, is because I am a German myself, but I moved to London three years ago. However, Mitreden promotes the LGBTQ move a little bit too much and they make you feel, like you hurt them in many ways.
My for you page was full of rainbow flags, weird LGBTQ stereotyped style and I started to like the demonstrations here. Since everyone was going LGBTQ, why shouldn't I do that too? It is the new standard and a cool trend, although I don't like the people, because of this system. I looked at my wardrobe and decided to wear cool black low waist jeans and a black leather belt. It was the classic e-girl look. I put on a yellow- black nirvana band tee. I left my room with a strong eyeliner and a bloody red lipstick. As I entered the classroom, everyone looked at me strangely.
Daisy and Alex laughed, while Tyler gave me a cute smile. Also Mr. Jones was surprised of my outfit, that I wore today.
I looked at Daisy and they just raised their eyebrows, while their lips were closed. Alex smiled and shook his head.

After the lesson was over, I wanted to get out, but Mr. Jones stopped me: »Claudia, can you please stay here?«, he asked.
I turned around.
»Please close the door, because I need to talk to you about something really important.«
I did what he said and as I looked into his eyes, I saw that he wanted to talk about something serious with me.
»What's the matter?«, I asked curiously.
»I know it is not my permission to ask that as a teacher, but you're outfit.... is just not your style. How do you feel about the separation?«
I rolled my eyes: »I feel like shit to be honest. It is clear to me, that being non binary or whatever is a trend. An ideal we have to follow. This stereotyped style, everything. I feel pressured to follow that lifestyle.«
He looked at me, like he understood my feelings. »I'm sorry I don't want to ask you this Question. I normally avoided personal questions, but the teachers here, already were in the privacy of students, so this question was necessary to me.«
I smiled:»No it is okay. I just have a bad day. Did you ask others?«
He went with his Hand on his forehead and closed his eyes. He seemed to be very stressed »Yeah, similar questions. I need to stop this.«

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