"Clace - First Meet"

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"Just play it already!" shouted clearly annoyed Jace.

"Okay, okay! No need to get all angry at me, Geez," girl murmured.

MAUREEN: Thanks for being our roadie.

SIMON: Yeah, and thank you for being our artist in residence.

CLARY: Of course.

[Simon is changing his shirt and Clary and Maureen both look at his abs.]

"Should I be jealous?" asked Izzy, looking at Clary with amusement.

"What? No!" Clary shook her head. "I just appreciate good-looking body when I see one."

Simon's jaw dropped. "Clary Fray, I can't believe you just said that!" He laughed.

CLARY: So, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema.

MAUREEN: What were we thinking, right?

SIMON: But now… we’re Rock Solid Panda.

Catarina laughed. "I'm guessing you're changing your band name a lot."

"You have no idea," Clary groaned.

MAUREEN: Yeah, we are.

CLARY: Rock Solid Panda, coming up. I’m feeling inspired.


SIMON: Paint.

[Clary finishes the graffiti on the van.]

SIMON: What’s that tag?

[A rune is painted on the van.]

CLARY: Weird, I didn’t even mean to draw that. Second time today.

MAUREEN: You know they have confirmed cases of people waking up in the morning speaking French, and they never even studied the language.

"Wow, it's actually really interesting," said kidnapper. "Shame I won't ever learn French, it's just too difficult for me, I tried."

"You can learn Spanish," suggested Raphael.

"Tried, too."

CLARY: Do you think that’s some kind of language?

MAUREEN: Sanskrit maybe.

[Jace bumps into Clary.]

CLARY: Hey, can you watch where you’re going?

Alec burst into laughter. "Oh my Angel, I love her."

This time kidnapper laughed.

"What's so funny?" Alec frowned.

"Actually you and Clary won't be getting along at first in the future. But I still think your friendship is really great. It's one of my favourites, maybe I'll show you later some videos about it."

JACE: You can see me?

"Oh, you've used your invisibility rune," said Izzy.

CLARY: Yeah, that’s kind of the point, but you obviously didn’t see me.

"I saw you, I just thought you're mundane," Jace rolled his eyes.

JACE: You have the Sight.

"Jace, please, don't confuse her more," snickered Izzy.

CLARY: Wait, the what?

JACE: How can I not know who you are?

"Because my mother never bothered to tell me that I'm a Shadowhunter and my father's a psycho," said Clary, trying to act casual, but deep down she was still hurt.

CLARY: Has that line seriously ever worked for you? Even once?

Jace rolled his eyes. Again. "I wasn't trying to hit on you. You're not even my type."

"Liar. He likes everything that has long legs, he once flirted with a pole," said Alec.

"Alec! You were supposed not to tell anyone about this," Jace hissed, embarrassed.

[We see Simon’s point of view: Clary is talking to an invisible person.]

Magnus laughed. "Your face, Sheldon!"

"My name's Simon," groaned Lewis.

ALEC (from distance): Jace!

[Jace runs into the Pandemonium, leaving Clary behind.]

CLARY: Can you guys believe that blonde dude?

SIMON: You mean the imaginary dude you were talking to?

CLARY: No, the guy right there, running into the club.

MAUREEN: Clary, there’s nobody there.

CLARY: The guy covered in tats, like—

SIMON: What guy are you talking about?

CLARY: You guys seriously don’t see him?


CLARY: Okay, could you stop making me feel insane?

"Thanks, Jace, now she's thinking she's going insane."

"It's not my fault, mother!"

MAUREEN: Could you stop acting that way?

"Is it just me or is she acting a bit... rude?" Izzy asked.

Clary smirked. "Watch out, Izzy, that girl has been crushing on Simon for years."

Simon shook his head. "What are you talking about?"

"Oblivious like always," she just said.

SIMON: Clary, what was in your latte?

Izzy, Cat and Magnus laughed.

"I like your sense of humour, Simon," said Cat.

[Clary unzips her jacket and walks towards the club.]

SIMON: Where are you going?

CLARY: To get some answers.

SIMON: Remember, your fake ID sucks!

Clary laughed. "Yeah, but so does yours."


Funny thing, when I saw amount of words, I almost laughed out loud. 666. Yeah, that's it 😂

Anyways, I like that someone's actually reading this, because when I started writing this I didn't thought much people would like to read it, 'cause for some reason there's not many Shadowhunters reaction books on wattpad.

Lastly, thank you for nice comments. I'm still learning English, but I hope I'll become a professional translator one day, so it's really nice when someone says that my writing's good.

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