Jake-Never Saw This Coming

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Jake and I just got back from a party that we had been at all night. He slams the front door shut so hard a picture frame falls off the wall.

"Jesus Jake, what the fuck is your problem??" I nearly yell at him.

"What is my problem??" he says, irritation coming off of him, from the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen to see him standing at the counter chugging down a beer, he finishes it, and slams it down on the counter so hard I'm surprised it didn't shatter. "My problem is you didn't pay attention to me all night. Just kept ignoring me, going on to your friends, dancing with some random ass"

"Seriously Jake?? That's why, you're so pissed?? I can't deal with this right now, I'm going to bed" I say, annoyed, walking off to our room.

"Don't you dare fucking walk away" he just about screams at me. "Don't make me feel stupid for feeling this way Y/N."

"Jake, you're drunk. I'm not fighting with you drunk."

"No, I'm not drunk. If you even took one look at me all night, you'd notice that this was my first beer all night" he stares a hole into me.

"You're acting like a five year old. What the fuck is your problem actually?" I say confused and frustrated at this point.

"THAT YOU DON'T ACTUALLY LOVE ME" Jake screams loudly at me.

"I don't love you? Seriously? So the past four years of giving you everything wasn't enough??" I yell back at him, so pissed off at this point.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, this happens EVERY fucking time we're out. It's endless. I reach for your hand and you pull away, I go to kiss you and you push me away, making love with you doesn't even feel the same anymore" Jake screams with so much anger. I look at him stunned and hurt.

"That's how I felt, Jake, that you didn't love me. That's why I pulled away all the time" I quietly say, getting silent. He just stares at me, confused.

"What do you mean Y/N?" hints of anger still in his voice.

"That I, for a while now, didn't think you love me anymore, but I was too scared to talk to you about. I don't want to loose you, nor can I ever loose you" I stare down at the ground. I hear footsteps then feel Jake come closer to me. He puts he finger under my chin and gently pushes my head up so I can look into his dark brown eyes.

"Do you or do you not love me Y/N" Jake asks, his voice cracking a little, eyes started to water.

"I don't know Jake" I spit out, speaking honestly. Jake takes a step back, his back hits the counter, he stands against it, gripping it, looking in my eyes. Muddled, wounded, weeping softly.

"Do you love me Jake?"

"I don't know" he says staring at the ground. I quickly grab my coat, my keys, and walk out the front door. Slamming the door shut behind me.

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