Part 3 Lucas Black

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Finally, it was time for lunch. Tresa got her things together, and just as she was about to leave, Lucas called out to her. Ms. Burks, can I speak to you before you go to lunch

Tresa replied, "Yes, Sir?"

"I wanted to run something by you. Ms. Burks, let's have lunch together."

"I'm meeting my best friend, Sally, but you can join us if you'd like."

"I would love that, Tresa."

"I'll drive if that's okay with you."

"Sure, it will be fine."

The both of them left the office, swung by Sally's house, and picked her up. Sally blushed and smiled as she got into the car.

"Hello, Lucas. How are you?"

"Hello, have we met before?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm Sally, and you're the greatest lawyer I've ever seen. I follow all of your work."

"Thank you."

After driving for thirty minutes, they arrived at the restaurant. Everyone got out of the car and walked inside. It wasn't long before they were seated and ready to order. After ordering their food, Lucas said,

"I have this big murder case coming up, and I need another counselor to help me. Would you like to help me, Tresa?"

"Are you sure you want my help? I've only been working for your firm for one day."

"I know, and you're a hell of a lawyer. I did my homework on you before I hired you. I only hire the best to represent my firm."

"Mr. Black, It would be a pleasure to work beside you in this case."

"Great, then it's settled, and please, call me Lucas."

"Okay, Lucas. I want you to meet my new Assistant, Sally Smith."

"Oh, I see the list I gave you wasn't to your liking."

"No, that's not it at all, Lucas. She was my assistant at my old job, and we have a lot of history."

"Okay, Tresa. She will be your assistant. Make sure she fills out the application along with a resume."

Sally reached into her bag and pulled out a folder with her resume and application inside.

"Wait a minute, how did you get that application?"

"How quickly have you forgotten? I'm a geek, and I have my ways of getting what I need."

"Wow! I'm impressed, Sally. By the way, welcome to the team."

Sally was so happy, and she shouted out,

"Yes! Yes! I got the job at J&B law firm."

Everyone laughed as the waiter walked over to the table.

"Hello, My name is Jill. I'll be your waiter today."

Lucas looked at her and smiled.

"I will have the steak meal. Sally, what are you eating?"

"I'll have the Caesar salad. What do you have, Sir?"

"I'll have what Tresa's having."

"What are you all drinking?"

Tresa said,

"I'll have a sweet tea."

"Make that two," Sally said.

"I'll have a glass of water."

"Is that all for everyone? If so, I'll be back with your drinks."

Jill left and brought their drinks back. Tresa said,

"Now that all the good news is out in the open let's make a toast."

Everyone raised their glasses. Lucas said,

"Today is the first day of a beautiful friendship and many winning cases."

They all tapped their glasses and took a sip of their drinks. After lunch, Lucas dropped Sally off at home.

"Did you enjoy lunch, Tresa?"

"Yes, it was delicious, Lucas. Thank you for asking me to help you with this upcoming case you have."

"You're welcome. I'll let you know when it's time to work on the case."

Lucas parked the car, and they both got out and went inside the office. Tresa was sitting at her desk, daydreaming about Lucas. He invited her into his office and laid her back on his desk. Lucas started kissing her lips, then her neck. He slowly caressed her butt while using his teeth to pull off her panties. Tresa moaned as she bit her bottom lip. She didn't take her eyes off him. He kissed her inner thigh and slowly began working his way up to her wetness. Lucas slowly pushed his tongue deep inside her. She watched him as he worked. Just as she was about to release it into his mouth, Mia called her name,

"Ms. Burks, hello?!"

Tresa cleared her throat then said,

"Hello, yes, may I help you?" Mia

"I have the case files on the John Morris case. Tresa told Mia to come in. Mia walked into Tresa's office, placed the files on her desk, and left the room.

Tresa took a look at the case and said to herself.

"He will walk because his family is part of the mob. Is this case a fucking joke? I feel like I'm throwing the fight with this case."

Tresa got up from her desk and walked over to Lucas's office. She knocked on the door with force. Who is it? It's me, Tresa. Lucas said, "Come in!"

"How could you try me like this by giving me a Mob case?!" Lucas

Tresa, please calm down this case is a sure win."

"You and I both know this bastard will walk!" Lucas

"Calm down, Tresa, please. I know, but I'm too busy handling the Lisa Patterson case, which goes to trial in two days. If you don't want the case, I can give it to somebody else."

Tresa didn't say anything as she walked out of his office. And back to her's, Tresa sat at her desk in silence until it was time to go home. The day was finally over. On the way home, Tresa got a call from Sally. She was crying. Tresa drove over to her house right away. She opened the glove compartment of her car and took out her gun. Tresa put it in her pocket and walked up to Sally's porch. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she realized that the door was cracked open. Tresa pushed it open, and her eyes widened in disbelief from what she saw.

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