Part 8 Revenge

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"Oh, my! Are you afraid of me now, Chuck? I don't have my hands tied up anymore. What the hell are you doing here?"
"Um.... I was looking for you, we need to talk."
"About what? You killed Alexa what possibly do we have to talk about? You lost your chance to talk to me after you shot her and then ran away!"
"I was scared! I never killed anyone before. You understand what I'm saying, right?"
"Chuck, I understand that you fled the scene! You didn't think twice that she could have still been alive!"
Chuck dropped his head and started to cry, "God knows I loved Alexa with all my heart, but when she told me what you had done to her all I could think about was revenge. All I thought about was how I was going to kill you when I caught up with your heartless ass."
"Whoa, now Chuck! Watch your mouth. Don't say something that might get you killed, because frankly I don't give a damn about your sorry ass. You cheated with her and then helped the bitch kidnap me. You were willing to go through any lengths to kill me, so you track me down to give me this bullshit of a story," Lucas clapped his hands as he let out a soft chuckle, "Answer this one question for me Chuck, was all of this worth it?"
"No, Lucas. It wasn't."
"You got played by a greedy, self-centered, ungrateful, cheating slut. How does it feel to get ass fucked by a woman?!" Lucas laughed. Chuck was more angry than he was before. He threw a punch, hitting Lucas in his mouth. He quickly regretted it though, after hitting Lucas, Chuck could see the evil in his eyes. He didn't hesitate to run. Lucas pulled out his knife and threw it, hitting Chuck in the back of his head. Right before his body could hit the ground, Lucas's driver was there to catch it. He put the body in the trunk of the car as Lucas walked inside. His eyes lit up when he saw Tresa.
"You're so beautiful, Tresa. Let's go."
They both walked outside to the car. Lucas opened the door for Tresa, after she got in he closed it and walked to the other side of the car to get in. After reaching the restaurant, Lucas instructed his driver to take care of Chuck's body with a acid bath. Then he walked into the restaurant. After sitting down at the table, Lucas looked at her and said,
"Order whatever you like baby."
While Tresa looked over the menu, Lucas looked her up and down from her eyes to her fully plumped lips. He put two fingers over his lips as his eyes moved down her neck until they reached her succulent big breast. He worked his eyes down to her sexy thighs as his mouth began to water. He laid his eyes on her nice, round, plump ass and took a few minutes to visualize how her body would look naked with him holding her against his. Just as he bit his bottom lip, Tresa called out to him, "Lucas." He quickly snapped back from his vision and answered her, "Yes, Tresa?"
"What are you eating?"
Lucas opened the menu and ordered the steak, medium rare with grilled shrimp in garlic herb sauce. "Oh, my. Lucas that sounds really good. Waiter, I'll have the same. Thank you."
"After the waiter left. Lucas put his hand on Tresa's thigh. Slowly rubbing his way up to her panties. Next he moved two of his fingers down her inner thigh, her eyes widened in suspense of what's to come next. Lucas pressed his fingers against her vagina getting them soaked in her juices. Tresa leaned her head back and closed her eyes as she let out a silent moan. Lucas smiled and moved his fingers from her panties as the waiter returned with their dinner. He looked Tresa straight into her eyes as he put his fingers into his mouth and sucked her juices off of them. Tresa couldn't believe he had just done that.
"Damn, is this really how dinner is with Lucas Black?" She thought to herself. Taking her napkin, Tresa wiped the sweat from her face then shyly looked back at Lucas.
"My, my Tresa. You taste exquisite tonight, I should have you on a plate for dinner instead."
"Tresa! Tresa!."
"Oh! I am so sorry, Lucas."
"Are you okay, baby? You're sweating."
"Yes, I'm fine. Order me the same thing you're having, I need to go to the ladies room."
Tresa got up from the table and quickly went the the bathroom. She went into the stall, used the toilet, then walked up to the sink. After washing her hands, she looked into the mirror.
"Hey, my beautiful Queen!" Said the man in the mirror. Tresa was petrified when she saw Lucifer in the mirror.
"No, no! Not you again! Leave me alone!"
Lucifer said, "Not until you hear what I have to say about your boyfriend, Lucas Black."
"What about him?"
"He was the one who killed you that night we met. He died first, so I granted him one wish. After I saved him, he fled the scene, leaving you to die. He could have saved you, but he didn't care about anyone but himself. He drove off, leaving you there to die."
"That's not true!" she protested, "I remember a man crying over me. He kept saying 'don't you die, hold on and fight. The ambulance is on the way'."
"That was me, I watched you take your last breath. Then I offered you a second chance, but it wasn't your time. All I remember is a white light taking you away from me. You're my soulmate, you belong with me."
Tresa closed her eyes and when she opened them again, he was gone. She wasn't sure if what she saw was real. She washed and dried her face then quickly returned back to her table with a shocked, scared look on her face. Lucas knew that look, but he couldn't let Tresa know. He leaned in close to Tresa, "Are you okay? You can tell me what happened." Tresa looked at Lucas and slapped him as hard as she could. It was so loud that the entire restaurant turned to look. She stormed out of the restaurant and Lucas followed right behind her. "Tresa! Hold on a minute, talk to me!" Lucas grabbed Tresa by the hand and pulled her to him, "What the hell was that about?!"
"Like you don't know you bastard!"
"Tresa, I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Really, Lucas?!"
"Yes, really, Tresa. Let's talk in the car."
They got into the car and Lucas told the driver to take them to a near by park. After arriving at the park, Lucas told his driver to take a walk while they talked. After the driver left, Tresa asked, "Am I a target?"
Lucas replied, "What do you mean?"
"Lucas, listen. Lucifer came to me in the bathroom mirror."
"Fuck! Not this guy again!"
"Wait a minute, what do you mean 'this guy again'?"
"Well, I was in a bad accident that left me dead. He came to me and brought me back to life. However, he didn't want my soul. A few weeks ago, he came to me and said If I bring him someone, he will give me my life back. If not, he will make it a living hell."
"Lucas, was he talking about me? Please tell me the truth."
Lucas dropped his head in shame, "Yes, he is talking about you. He said that you're his soulmate."
Treas looked at Lucas, "I died that night. He said that you died on impact, and he helped you first, but I died, and it wasn't my time. Lucifer was angry because I got away."
"I came to your aid that night, but you had died, so I left after calling 911."
"Take me home, Lucas."
"I can't do that, Treas. I have to deal this deal with Lucifer."
"Hold on, Lucas! Are you really going through with this craziness?!"
Lucas didn't say anything, he reached under his seat and pulled out his knife. Treas saw the knife and jumped out of the car. Lucas grabbed her shirt, ripping it off of her. Treas ran through the park as fast as she could, she tripped and fell to the ground beside the park's wishing well, her eyes wide with fear.

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