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im sitting in the waiting room of the nurses office, bouncing my leg in a frantic panic. its embarrassing enough to have the entire gym stare at me, but to go with another coach for a player thats not even on my team? K.O.

ukai and a black haired girl with glasses come out of the room, but he must still be knocked cold or just recovering. "daichi is okay, hes got a huge bruise on his face but thankfully nothing too serious, hes out of the next game for sure though." i look at him and blink. daichi, huh? atleast i know his name now.

"so can you tell me WHY you brought me here?"

"i didnt bring you anywhere, you came all on your own."

"what!! you totally motioned for me to come!"

"i knew you would wanna see your little boyfriend after he got hurt" he stifles a laugh. kiyoko clearly has no idea whats going on, and i kinda hope it stays that way lol.

"HES NOT MY- you know what? no. im getting the hell out of here." i stood up so quick i felt dizzy, but i pushed through it so i could get out of this utterly embarrassing situation. my hand is turning the door handle when i hear:

"hey, aren't you that girl from coach ukai's store? what are you doing here?"

i freeze like a deer in headlights. just when i thought it literally couldn't get any worse, now i have to somehow explain to him why some random girl is in here.

"oh! yeah! well your uh.. coach... told me to come in here so i did! thats the whole story, haha, nothing else to it!" i barely make eye contact with him as i shuffle my feet. again with this awkward shit? truly terrible, y/n. youre better than this!!

"are you okay though? i saw you get smacked pretty hard."

he chuckles a little, "my head hurts some but its nothing i cant handle."

i nod and give him a little smile before i turn to leave again, but not before he says, "hey, thanks for coming to check on me. glad i got to get a chance to have a conversation with you, even just once."

my ears start to burn and my face turns beet red. he ACTUALLY wanted to talk to me? after THAT EXCHANGE?? kdjskejejwkkens AHHH

i turn around and finally look him in the eyes. the prettiest brown eyes ive ever seen. ok, we done with this wimpy bullshit. starting right now!

"maybe if i got your number it wouldnt be just once?" im internally screaming as i wait for what seems like and eternity for his response. i see a little pink tint across his cheeks as he responds, "yeah of course! here, ill type it in." our hands brush as he grabs my phone, and i feel sparks fly throughout the room. i admire him as he types, ive just never seen someone like him. i guess someone that im as attracted to as i am to him.

im pretty much zoned out for the rest of the games, with the occasional shoulder bump from tendou and small talk with my other teammates. i cant explain why im so happy, i just AM. is this what having a crush feels like? well, its fucking exhausting.

after i get home, shower, and change, i stare at daichis contact for.. a little too long. "ugh this is so STUPID just text him!" but what if he hates you and he only gave you his number because he felt bad? WHAT IF ITS A FAKE NUMB- "shut the fuck UP good lord" i sigh. i start to scroll through netflix to see what i could watch to distract me from my thoughts. nothings grabbing my attention, and i end up turning the tv off in exasperation. i glance at my phone again, take a deep breath, and decide to just text him anyway. it cant hurt right? ill literally never see him again if it does its FINE.

hey! its l/n f/n, from the store and the nurses office🤠

see? that wasnt so hard. now we wait!

i stare at the ceiling, cell phone right by my head. every notification i get i shoot up and grab my phone, only to see it wasnt him. this is so stupid. i cant believe some dude is making me act a fool. just go to bed! "yeah you know what? im totally right! fuck this shit im going to sleep!"

i lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes, trying to drift off into sleep. i try so damn hard but every notification causes me to jolt awake. i angrily go to turn on do not disturb, until i see a new message:

diechi? idk how to spell that
Sorry, you must have the wrong number...

words: 826

~between shelves~ daichixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now