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AN: hi! it means the world that you decided my book was good enough to read and vote on, so thanks! also, im writing a bokuto if you end up liking my stuff:) enjoy🤪🤪


y/n pov

the day seemed to drag on after the date with daichi yesterday. he had already left for nationals in the morning, and i hate that i already missed him. even so, the more pressing issue on my mind was tendou. my heart dropped to the depths of hell after seeing him at the gardens. god i hope he doesnt bring it up, what am i gonna tell him if he does?

i probably shouldnt even avoid the situation, as i should have told him up front a while ago. ive just dug myself the deepest hole of all time and i throughly regret it.

its still the weekend, and i choose to spend it by wallowing in my bed and staring at the ceiling. i almost forgot how truly great yesterday was, and i know i shouldnt let this ruin it. but i genuinely feel awful! he is going to hate me forever and i dont even blame him. i really should have just told him months ago.

while the battle between how awesome and terrible the day was, my phone buzzes. i turn over and tap the screen, and to my deepest horror i see the text message that i was dreading.

fire crotch👹
of course i have to text you first, figured you would continue to hide and pretend like this will blow over. i need to talk to you in person now.

my heart sinks. my second mistake, not initiating an apology.

tendou im so sorry. i should have just talked to you about this a while ago and i was scared. yes we can talk!

fire crotch👹
shoulda woulda coulda. dont really give a fuck about your excuses. be there in 10.

i am in some deep ass shit. tears well up and my anxiety begins to eat me whole. ive never seen him so angry and blunt toward me before its and truly scarier than any glare ushijima could muster. i go to the bathroom to try to dry my tear stained face with shaky hands. i hear the doorbell ring and i jump, slapping my hand over my mouth. i make my way down the stairs and slowly place my hand on the doorknob. i take a deep breath and open the door. "hey i-"

tendou shoves past me and makes his way up to my room, not even a glance in my direction. thank god my dad isnt home right now! i trudge behind him, eyes glued to my feet as i force myself to keep walking. i get to my room and gently close the door behind me, and he spins around and gives me a look full of anger and sadness.

"are you fucking kidding me y/n?"

"please let me-"

"NO! YOU LISTEN TO ME! im so fucking SICK of you and your lame as excuses! weve been best friends for YEARS. we told each other EVERYTHING! we would walk home from school together, letting each other in on every detail of our day. every wendsday at 9pm we would get strawberry ice cream at the place near our neighborhood and laugh till that short angry dude that ran the place kicked us out. we cried on each others shoulders when shit got bad! did that mean ANYTHING TO YOU? huh, y/n?" tears streamed down his face and his voice was shaking with rage, while i stood there as a shell of a person, my body convulsing in waves if grief.

"of course it did, tendou." i whispered, barely able to keep myself standing.

he walkings closer to me, inches from my face. "then why the HELL couldnt you just tell me you didnt feel that way about me, huh? you knew, i mean of course kasumi told you, shouldnt have expected her to keep her mouth shut. and as it already isnt horrible enough that you continued to lead me on and pretend like everything was normal, you just HAD to rub it in by going out with that bland ass white boy from karasuno! at the game, i didnt realize that you were ACTUALLY into him, but i should have. now i just feel so fucking stupid and embarrassed."

he stops talking, and silence falls between our grief stricken eyes.

i take a shaky breath, and as i open my mouth i cant help but to start bawling. "IM SO SORRY TENDOU! i know im such a fucking horrible person for not telling you but i didnt want to hurt you!" he crosses his arms and scoffs. "im fucking serious!! i didnt want to reject you because i didnt want to lose what we had! looking back i know that it was selfish and i know i should have just said something the next time i saw you but i was PARALYZED. i care for you so much and to see you hurt would have killed me. ITS KILLING ME RIGHT NOW! and its all my fault. dont take this out on kasumi and daichi, its truly that their faults and i take full blame for this. i wish i could go back in time and fix this.. im just.. im so sorry."

he looks back at me, not an ounce of understanding on his face. then he laughs. a horrifying, evil empty laugh that drained the color from my face.

"atleast you get that youre a selfish bitch. both ushiwaka and kasumi told you to tell me, and yet you wanted to keep your little fantasy world in tact so you chose to say nothing. you had so many chances and you still chose to ruin what we had. i cant believe i trusted you so blindly, how could i have not seen how truly self absorbed you are. i feel SICK. sick to my fucking stomach just looking at you now."

i cant move. i can barely breathe. i feel like i just got hit by a train and left for dead.

"so this is it?" i squeaked out. "im losing you forever?"

he frowns with tears in his eyes and puts his hands on my shoulders. i look up at him, my vision blurry from the waterworks. he cocks his head and gives me a smile, and for a brief moment i thought that we could come to some kind of resolution. then he leans right beside my ear and his words cause my knees to give out from under me.

"i HATE you. lose my fucking number, we are absolutely done."

words: 1125

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