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quick AN: ik the timeline between the qualifiers and nationals is off just pretend the date occurs like a week after the qualifiers hehe thanks


daichi's pov - morning of date

sunlight leaks through my blinds as i stir from my sleep. i rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms, reaching for my phone plugged in next to me. "Saturday, January 3rd, 8:03am" i put it down and turn back over, planning to go back to sleep. then my eyes shoot open.

"oh SHIT! WE LEAVE FOR NATIONALS TOMORROW!" i half yell, as i know my mom would murder me if i woke her up so early. i put my head in my hands, then my eyes widen.

"oh shit.. i have a date today with y/n at.. 12?!"

i jump out of bed, bee lining toward the shower. i know i still have a few hours, but i just cant STAND being late for anything. especially to take y/n on a date. okay okay daichi, lets calm down. i take a deep breath, continuing to wash the sleep off my body. this is fine! im fine.

i stare at myself in the foggy mirror, towel wrapped around my waist and water droplets dripping from my hair onto my chest. what the hell am i gonna wear? ugh this is all so much!

i run to check my phone again, "8:56am". okay im making good time! i open my closest doors, stare at the very minimal amount of clothes that i own, and reach for my phone to dial suga.

"why the hell are you calling me at 9 in the morning?" he answered groggily.

i sigh. "i need your help.." i mumble.


"I NEED YOUR HELP!" i say louder, embarrassment glowing on my face.

"no i heard you i just wanted to hear you say it again!" i could just FEEL his smug ass smile through the phone. my eye twitched a little bit.

"so i asked that girl on a date yesterday,"


"yeah of course who else would it be?"

"i dont know if your whoring around or not, jeez"

"im not who- sugawara!!! can you just come over i need help... picking out an outfit.." i said sheepishly.

"ON MY WAY!" and the call ends immediately.

around 15 minutes later i grab suga at my front door, going back up to my room. "alright lets see what im workin with!" he flings the closet doors open and his face falls, turning to me with a deflated frown.


"you literally own like NOTHING nice! its all gym shorts hoodies and cut offs!"

"what else would i need? i dont really care what i look like most of the time anyway, its practical!"

"obviously..." suga mutters, receiving a slap to the chest. "my bad man! jeez.."

"okay well you HAVE to own jeans or something"

"yeah, i have a pair in the back over there." suga pulls them out of the deepest corner of my closet. "god these look so old theyve probably experienced the death of jesus christ himself" he holds them up with two fingers, wearing a disgusted look.

~between shelves~ daichixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now