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y/n pov

the days dragged on since the... incident.. with that boy in the store. it wasn't taking over my mind but i did think about him from time to time. how could i not? hes fine as hell!

luckily tendou hasn't said anything to me regarding his feelings, as i really don't want to have to deal with that. that sounds so rude, buts its more like i would love to keep my life mostly drama free. sometimes it's inevitable, which is okay because drama is fun when it doesnt involve me.

"yo yo yo! whats up y/n?" i hear a voice that jerks me from my thoughts. i turn my head and i see tendou walking toward me, athletic tape in hand.

"youre really gonna make me wrap your hands again? i know you can do it yourself you big baby!" i tease.

"ouch!" he grabs his chest dramatically. "i thought we were friends! and friends wrap each others hands for them!" i rolled my eyes playfully and held out my hands. i began to wrap them, feeling his eyes burn into me. lord please dont let it be the day he confesses.

i finished wrapping, quicker than usual, then we did our usual handshake. as i grabbed my bags, he gives me a sad look and says, "hey, are we good? did something happen? is this about yesterday?"

i tensed up. i knew i was acting different around him but i didnt think he noticed. when we would hang out, my responses were quicker and i.. i just didnt want to keep leading him on like i had apparently been doing.

•flashback to yesterday•

today is sunday, a normally chill and boring day for me. i just take the time to relax and melt my brain on minecraft and tiktok. yeah, super productive i know.
suddenly, my phone dings.

the mf boys! (+y/n😘)

fire crotch👹
ayo!! we got a move today?

A Move?

i mean we can make one? im bored as hell

fire crotch👹
AWESOME! new soba place at 6. be there or be square

oh im in! wanted to try that place soon

Sure, why not

bet, see yall there

im so glad were hanging out! we haven't been out as friends for a while. suddenly, my conversation with kasumi on friday surfaces and my heart sinks.

oh shit, i havent seen him since she told me, what am i gonna do?? im terrible at keeping a poker face, and its no secret. no, im not letting this ruin my night. JUST BE NORMAL.

6pm arrives fast, and im at the soba place on the dot. i see tendou, ushijima (surprisingly), semi, and goshiki all walk up together. ok it won't just be tendou and i, itll be fine!

tendou breaks into a sprint when he sees me and i panic. he wraps me in a tight hug as i tense up, thinking about what i should do. hug him back? stay like this? push hi- my thoughts are interrupted as semi shakes my shoulders. "hey, can you atleast pretend to listen when i talk?" wow, he said something? good god woman get a grip!

i take a breath and smile, "yeah yeah sorry, just starving!"

"lets get our asses inside then!!" tendou shouts, arm around my shoulder. i chose to let it happen, for better or for worse.


"ushiwaka, would you pull that stick outta your ass already?" goshikis eyes widen and we all bust out laughing.

the entire dinner i just cannot seem to relax. one conversation made everything so different and it sucks. he was so close to me all night, playing with my hair and pressing his knee against mine. originally i would have thought nothing of it, but now im subconsciously tensing up and shorting my responses. she only brought it up because i was dying over the shelf boy, ugh!! wish i kept my big mouth shut.

the night ends and we all bid our goodbyes. as i turn around to walk home, i get a tap on my shoulder from ushijima. "i noticed you were tense all night. did something happen?" he has genuine concern in his eyes.

"yeah yeah im fine, honestly." he continues to stare at me and i sigh. how does he just KNOW?

"okay im sure you know this or maybe not because i dont know if you and tendou talk about this kind of stuff but i heard that he likes me... and i like him as a friend but i dont want to ruin it or make him feel bad or hate me. im stressing out ushijima, what do i do?"

he blinks slowly as he thinks of a response. "yes, i do know that information. im not great with the feelings thing, but the only thing i can tell you is to tell the truth. he's not dumb, y/n, he will notice if he hasnt already."

damn, the perfect advice from none other than the great wakatoshi.

i let out a heavy sigh. "youre right. youre always right. thanks, ushiwaka." his lips curve ever so slightly, he nods to me then turns around to walk home.

•end flashback•

"no! nothing happened, im sorry ive been acting weird ive just had a lot of shit going on. i mean the inter high qualifiers are coming up and finals are closing in so ive just been stressing." i mean i am stressed about these things but i just couldnt let him know i knew.

his eyes lightened back up, and i breathed a sigh of relief. "oh ok y/n! i understand! guess ive just been hyperfocusing." he shrugged his shoulders and skipped away. thank god he was acting himself again, that whole serious thing was scary.

to be fair, this is entirely on me. the weight of this on my shoulders is killing me. i know ive been distant, and i just lied to his face! i really screwed myself up here, huh.

words: 1014

~between shelves~ daichixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now