B.D.I.T.W (Jr)

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For : @chocoocoat

Here's for you, chingu ! X3

Enjoy :3


You now have a beautiful life, a beautiful family and blessed with a baby boy.

And the father is of course, Jr. *wink*

You were currently preparing dinner. And Jr came home in time.

"I'm home !" Jr called.

"Daddy !" His son ran to him and gave each other hugs.

"Where's mommy ?" He asked.

"K.. kitcheon .." He smiled.

"What is she doing ?" He playfully asked while heading to the kitchen.

You suddenly felt arms wrapping around your waist.

"What's for dinner, wife ?"

"Oh, hey, hubby. We're having bimbimbap tonight."

"Yay !" He cheered.

"Now, do me a favor and please set up the table for me ?"

"Sure, wife." He smiled.

You all sat down on the dining table and prayed before eating.

You were minding Little Jr to eat his food. While Senior Jr was calculating something.

"Ehem .." you cleared your throat to get Jr's attention.

"Ehem .." you sounded one more time.

"Ah .. yes ?"

"It's dinner time, right ?"

"Oh .. sorry .. I'll put this away." He innocently smiled.

You smiled and returned to little Jr. You saw there was food all over his face.

"Aww .. baby Jr has food on his face." You chuckled.

You felt really happy after hearing him baby laugh.

You caught Jr smiling at you two.

"*burp*" his very cute burp made all of you chuckle.

After a few more bites, you noticed baby Jr's tired eyes.

"Daddy .." he moaned as he reached out to his father.

"Aww .. finish your food first." He smiled.

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