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"I warned you before; it's easy to stay away from me, right? I told you to stop following and clinging to me."

She stared at me directly, with a very sharp gaze but full of passion. I could see that Soojin-Unnie is very serious at the moment. I tried looking away out of guilt, but she grabbed my chin lightly and forced me to look at her.

"Shuhua, I'm talking to you. It's rude if you do that. Did I scare you?" She then asked me with her soft voice.

"No!" I denied and shook my head. She then rested both of her arms on my shoulder and placed her forehead on mine. She closed her eyes, and a small smile appeared on her lips.

"Soojin, unnie, you're pretty, but you're also heavy; my legs hurt." I told her and puckered my lips. She's kept sitting on my lap and giggled. Look at this unnie; she's still happy even though I'm hurting my legs.

"Shuhua-ya, I'm telling you now, don't get clingy to me if you're going to do that to other people too." she said, still with closed eyes. I didn't answer, and then she opened her eyes and looked at me again.

"Yeh Shuh—"

"Yes, unnie." I cut her off; she stared at my eyes for a second, then gave me a small smile again. She then got up and looked down at me.

Finally! My legs kind of hurt. I got up after her and looked at her; she's also staring at me.

Soojin Unnie is really pretty with her chubby cheeks and innocent eyes, and then matched with her red lips—

"Do you want me to cook for you?" That cut my thoughts off.

"Yeeees!" I said loudly at her face and grabbed her hand. I led her to the kitchen.

She's good at cooking! That's why I am excited. I heard her small giggles again, but I don't mind at all. When we got to the kitchen, I looked at her again.

"What do you want me to cook?" She asked me while tying her hair into a bun. Now I can fully see her face and neck. She looked at me and smirked. After that, she walked slowly to me.

"Shuhua, if staring is a crime, you should be in jail right now." she said while playing the end of my hair.

"Then I will be the most guilty and lucky at the same time." I told her proudly. She smiled, hugged me, and kissed my forehead. I love it when she does that; it makes me feel secure in her arms.

"Soojin, I love you." I told her in the most sincere way I could.

"I love you too." she answered with passion.


SooShu: Running Away with Ms. UnbelievableWhere stories live. Discover now