Chapter II

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"Soojin, someone wants to talk to you," one of her backup dancers told her while she's fixing herself after changing her clothes into normal ones.

Their performance was a success; no technical issues or problems happened during their stage.

"Who is it?" she asks while putting on some red lipstick in front of the large mirror.

"I don't know," the dancer answered.

She continued to fix herself when her manager walked near her and started speaking.

"Ms. Yeh wanted to talk to you; maybe she wasn't impressed by your performance. What did you do this time, Soojin?" Her manager asked her with a very anxious expression.

"I didn't do anything wrong," she answered shortly. Then she put her things in her bag after retouching.

"Let's go; one of her assistants is waiting for us," her manager said, grabbing her wrist to pull her to the door.

A woman is waiting for them; she was dressed formally. Her manager talked to the woman first before she led them into a different hall from where the dinner party is located.

Soojin just followed them; it took them a minute when they reached another hall, then the woman told them to before exiting the hall. When the woman left, she sighed and sat comfortably in one of the chairs.

The man looked at her before starting to speak. "Okay, Ms. Yeh is a very rich and powerful person. Did you see her earlier during your performance, the one who stands up? With a white dress?' Her manager continued asking.

"Yeah, she didn't finish our performance," she answered.

It actually annoyed her that she didn't watch the performance until the end. That's the first time that her charm has not worked, especially since their performance was intended for Shuhua herself.

"Exactly, Soojin, that could've been a sign! Maybe she wasn't pleased with the way you performed," her manager sighed while sitting tiredly on the chair beside her.

He looked so worried and was panicking that it caused her to feel sorry for him. "Relax, I didn't do anything wrong. We didn't even offend her, and you chose this performance especially, right?" She said, trying to calm the man.

Her manager just nodded before a minute of silence filled them, until the door opened and a beautiful and elegant woman entered together with a formal individual who was already familiar with her.

Soojin looked at Shuhua, who was staring straight at her too. She didn't even notice that her manager stood up and greeted Shuhua until he called her to introduce herself too. And so she followed him and stood in front of Ms. Yeh.

She bowed a bit before speaking, "I'm Seo Soojin, a professional dancer and performer. It's very pleasant to meet you, Ms. Yeh."

She introduced herself formally with a little Mandarin she knew. She can't help but glance at the woman beside Ms. Yeh. She thought the woman looked too familiar for her; she just didn't know where she had seen her.

"We're really happy that my artist captivated your attention, Ms. Yeh. But we're curious about what you're about to say, especially since you requested to talk to her personally." She heard her manager speak.

Soojin looked back at Ms. Yeh again; their eyes met. And she could see how her eyes dilated while staring at them as well. It made her feel uncomfortable, and no one spoke between them again.

Until Shuhua grabbed her necklace and pulled it, causing it to clasp the lock. It even shocked them that she handed the necklace to her. Ms. Yeh's hand remained in the air, and she didn't know what to do.

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