Special Chapter II

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Shuhua slammed the table in frustration; she grabbed her hair while breathing heavily. She can't believe someone can do this to her. She then remembered her father's words.

In the business world, one may do dirty tricks.

"I think they did, father." she mouthed, then stood up.

She took her belongings and messaged her protector. She got out of her office and walked to the elevator, but before she entered, her assistant came near her.

"Ma'am, you have a meeting at nine o'clock today. It's for Mr. Lee's proposal—"

Her assistant stopped talking when she looked at her eyes and said, "Cancel it; I have something to do."

"Yes, ma'am." The woman answered immediately and bowed her head politely, so she gave a little smile to relieve the employee's tension.

When she entered the elevator, she called her wife.

"Hello?" Soojin answered with her soft voice.

"Where are you?" Shuhua asked while watching the elevator lights.

"Still on the set; how about you?" Soojin asked.

The elevator door opened, and Shuhua hopped out before talking again. "Well, what time are you going home? Are they tiring you there?" She asked again while entering the car waiting for her.

Soojin chuckled a little. "I'll be home at twelve; why are you asking anyway? Shouldn't you be busy?" her wife asked back.

Shuhua rested her back on the car seat when it started moving. "Uhm, I'm kind of tired, so... I'm going home now."

She heard Soojin's sigh on the other line: "Yeh Shuhua? It's just eight in the morning; you haven't gone to work for a week, and now that you did, you're tired already. Are you sure your business is doing well?"

She smirked before responding to her wife's scolding: "Ow, Seo Soojin, don't worry. I am so genius that my company will survive without me, even for a year!" she exclaimed in a boastful way.

Soojin snickered as well. "Just say that your employees are dependable. They can work without you."

Shuhua cupped her chest and acted as if she were hurting there. "Ouch! You're hurting me, Soojin.!" she said, coughing a little.

She heard her wife's laugh on the other side: "I have to go; I'll continue the shoot."

She sat properly after hearing that. "Ow, okay, I'll just wait for you in our house. Bye!" she said while smiling.

But none of them hang up the call. Shuhua's smile widens. "Are you still there? I thought you had to go; hang it up already. Bye!" she said again.

She can imagine Soojin's solemn look now. "You really like doing this, huh?" the other one said. Shuhua bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"Doing what?" she asked innocently.

She heard a sigh on the other line again. "I said, I have to go. I'll see you later." Soojin said again, slowly, this time as if she's making something clear.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you bye.," Shuhua said again, almost laughing, but she's trying hard to suppress it.

"Yeh Shu Hua—!"

"Okay, I love you! I love you so much!" she said, cutting Soojin's word off.

She didn't hear any response from the other line, and then seconds passed, and she heard the disconnected sound. When Shuhua heard the beeping, she looked at her phone. Seeing that the call had ended, she laughed so hard.

SooShu: Running Away with Ms. UnbelievableWhere stories live. Discover now