Chapter VI

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Soojin got out the cab after she payed, she took her bag and faced the white mansion near the hill, they're still in Seoul but the view from this house is really beautiful that she ask the driver if they are actually in city.

She looked at the house one more time it was very modern and majestic a dream house indeed. She walked near the gate after looking at the house and she was about to push the door bell on the wall when someone called her name from behind.

"Soojin?" a deep voice of a female.

She faced the woman then she saw Yuqi wearing a track suit with a water bottle a and a piece of airpod on her hand. She sweating and looks like she just got finished jogging.

"Hi, do you remember me?" Yuqi asked with a smile this time.

"Ah, yeah. Yuqi right?" she said shyly.
Yuqi smiles at her even more before saying.

"Yeah. I'm glad... By the way you're here for?" she then asked.

Soojin cleared her throat before responding to her. "Uhm, for the payment. I wan't to talk about that.."

Yuqi's smile didn't loose on her lips, she walks toward the gate too and push the button before speaking again.

"But last time I checked it's not a debt."

The gate opened showing two men wearing a formal black and red suit. Soojin didn't able to speak to Yuqi again because the woman let her in to the mansion too so she just followed her.

They walked and side by side and neither of them spoke again, when they reached the main door Yuqi opened it and faced her.

She enters the house first, a grand living area welcomed her with a huge and expensive looking chandelier, maids are everywhere cleaning the house like vases, floor, the couch and carpets.

She's hesitating to walked for a second because the tile floor is too clean to walked her regular shoes on it. But Yuqi didn't let her and spoke to her again.

"Come on, sit on the couch for a second I'll call her." Yuqi said leading her to the living are.

"So, what do you want? Uhm Orange Juice? Wine? Tea?" Yuqi asked her.

She didn't sat on the couch she just stood there and answers her. "Uhm, just water. Thank You..." she responded.

"Okay." Yuqi said then left the living area.

Soojin sat awkwardly on the couch the only time she looked the the whole house, a large wooden stair is facing another set of sofa on the other side. It also has a carpet. Then another expensive chandelier is there.

The house kinda looked old type from the inside very different from modern look outside from the things such as furnitures, lights, vases to shelves and carpets.

She was admiring the house when she spotted Shuhua descending  the stairs she's not looking at her but Soojin guessed that she already know her presence.

Shuhua finally reached the first floor then she walk straight to the living area, that's when she look at her. She then gave a smile to her. Soojin stand up for that.

"Oh, just sit..." she said then sat too on the single couch.

"Yuqi said you're here to tell me something?" Shuhua started.

"Yes, about my dad, He's fine now the operation went well but he needed a continues treatment..." she paused after.

Shuhua responded immediately after she paused. "Why? Does my servants has short comings? I told them to give you everything you need—"

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