Chapter I - New Friend and Old Friend

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A/N (Author note)-

This is going to be in Emma's POV (point of view), until i say so.

Hope you guys enjoy :)


Emma's P.O.V

I was standing outside waiting for a taxi to pick me up from the airport. It was a beautiful day in London, I had moved here from America, as I have a YouTube account and I had made a few friends such as Alfie Deyes (PointlessBlog), Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart and Caspar Lee. I decided that I wanted to start doing collabs with them but I couldn't because I was in America.

        As I waited I sat down on a bench, I loved the way that London was so different to America, as I was sat waiting I saw a familiar face coming my way, it was Alfie, I didn't tell anyone of them about me moving here, I wanted it to be a surprise for them. As he comes towards my way I begin to wonder, 'should I walk away and surprise him later? Or should I just walk towards him and see if he notices?' I am still thinking when I feel a slight crash and I fall to the floor, "Emma", I hear a familiar voice say, I knew it was Alfie. But then i hear a voice I have never heard in person, but seem to recognize. I look up and see, that standing right in front of me, was the one, the only... Zoë Sugg (also known as Zoella).


A/N: What Emma says is in normal writing, what Alfie says is in italic, and what Zoë says is in Normal but I will put a '-z' after it so you know or i will say 'said Zoe' or something like that.


"Hi, Alfie." I say as I get up off the floor.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh you know just thought I'd drop by, see how everyone's doing"
"That is so cool, but I know when you're lying, I've known you too long."
"Fine! I am moving here..." I am interrupted by a massive hug from Alfie.
"Really?" he says as he pulls out of the hug.
"Yeah" I say.
Suddenly I realize Zoë and Alfie holding hands. "So, when were you going to tell me?" I question. Alfie looks at me with a 'what do you mean' kind of face. So I look down and then Alfie realizes.
"Sorry, Emma this is..."
"Zoë, also known on YouTube as Zoella.", I turn to Zoë and say, "I don't mean to sound like a crazed fan or anything, but I watch your videos every day, and i never thought I would actually meet 'the' Zoë Sugg."
"So, you're Emma Deviner from 'EmmaDaily' (A/N: I just made up a random YouTube name) I watch you're videos with Alfie every time you post a new one." Zoë says.
OMG! Did Zoë just say that she watches my videos? I can't believe it.
"So, Zoë and I are just going back to the car if you want a lift, you can hang with us back at our place. I will be going out with Joe later so you girls can have a nice chat and get to know each other better."
"Yeah, that will be so cool, what do you say, Emma?"
"Erm... Ok." I say very shocked that not only does Zoë watch my videos, but she also wants to hang out with me. BEST DAY EVER and it's not even 12.00pm yet.


So that's the first chapter done, let me know what you guys think of it. If you like it leave a comment down below saying if I should carry on this story or just delete it. Thank you. Bye.

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