Chapter 16

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I woke up in the same clothes as yesterday. I got up and went in the shower, as I was wrapping the towel around myself there was a knock at my door.
'Two ticks' I shouted. I quickly dried myself and threw on my silk pyjamas. I went to my bedroom door to find Zoe stood there. 'Morning Zoe' I cheerfully said.
'Morning, nice to see you are feeling better than yesterday. Actually, that's why I'm here, can I come in?' I let Zoe in and she sat on my bed. I went and grabbed a towel and wrapped my hair up in it. 'Look before you say anything I want you to know something'. I looked at Zoe with a questionable look.

Zoe's P.O.V
Should I really be telling her this, it shouldn't be me who is, it should be Joe he's probably gonna kill me when he finds out I told her.

'Look I've been thinking, when Emma comes out of the hospital can we throw her a surprise party at your home?'
'Sure, that would be really nice.'
'Do you think it would be wrong of me to bring my girlfriend?'
'What! You have a girlfriend?' I said spitting out my drink.
'Well no not exactly.'
'Joseph, what do you mean not exactly?'
'I might as well tell you, I like Emma...'
'...I KNEW IT!!'
'Zoe calm down, yes I like Emma and I don't think she likes me back so to find out, Caspar has given me permission to pretend that his girlfriend is mine.'
'Wait what! Are you like right in the head?'
'Yeah, come on Zoe think about it, it's a perfect plan.'
'Is Eve ok with all this?'
'Yeah, she was quite excited about it actually.'
'Well I don't really like the idea but you're probably gonna do it anyways so yeah you can bring your girlfriend to this party.'
'Thankyou Zoe' He gave me a hug then went out to the shops to get party supplies. Sometimes I think that kid has a screw loose.

~End of flashback~
'Zoe? Zoe?'
'You kinda zoned out, you ok?'
'Oh yeah, look Emma my brother likes you and you obviously like him...'
'Pfft no I don't what makes you think that.' Emma said interrupting me.
'Please you were perfectly fine when you were thanking the other guests, then you went to Joe and Eve then ran off to your room.'
'Ok fine I like Joe, nothing can happen between us because of Eve'
'Look, this probably shouldn't be coming from me but Eve is not Joe's girlfriend, he doesn't have a girlfriend.'

Emma's P.O.V
Zoe told me the story of what she and Joe had discussed before picking me up from the hospital. I can't believe it Joseph Graham Sugg likes me and he's single!!!

~This one is a bit longer they will get longer than this x~

~ Hope you liked this chapter. I thought that it was about time Emma and Joe finally confessed they liked each other, maybe not to each other but that is coming very soon. Be sure to leave a comment telling me what you would like to happen in the development of this story, i'd love to incorporate some suggestions. xx~

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