Always There For Us

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When life knocks you down turn to Allah because he is the only one capable of bringing you back up

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When life knocks you down turn to Allah because he is the only one capable of bringing you back up. You'll lose everybody but you'll never lose Allah because it doesn't matter if you are not following Islam 100% if you turn to Allah let me tell you that he's listening and will help you overcome any obstacle in life.

When life puts you in a higher position knee down and go back to Allah because if it wasn't for him you wouldn't have reached that place that you are in right now.

Thank Allah continously and he'll keep in giving you more and more.
And for people who say that they're always on there knees and turning to Allah and nothing is happening and bad stuff keeps on happening.

Do you want to know why?
Because Allah only lets those who he loves most go through hard times.

You might be asking if he loves me so much why I am going through all that?

There's 2 reasons behind that:
1-to redeem yourself of any past mistakes, it is Allah's way of saying this is your chance
2-it's your chance to earn a higher position.

"'ahl dhikri 'ahl mujalisati, w 'ahl shukri 'ahl ziadti, w w 'ahl taeatay 'ahl karamati, w 'ahl muesiati la 'aqnituhum min rahmati, 'iin tabu 'iilay fa'ana habibuhum, fa'iiniy 'uhibu altawaabin w 'ahiba almutatahirina, w 'iin lam yatubau 'iilay fa'ana tabibuhum 'abtalihim bialmasayib li'atharihim min almaeayibi.."

أهل ذكري أهل مجالستي، و أهل شكري أهل زيادتي، و و أهل طاعتي أهل كرامتي، و أهل معصيتي لا أقنطهم من رحمتي، إن تابوا إلي فأنا حبيبهم، فإني أحب التوابين و أحب المتطهرين، و إن لم يتوبوا إلي فأنا طبيبهم أبتليهم بالمصائب لأطهرهم من المعايب.
Which translates to:
The people of my remembrance are the people of my sitting, the people of my gratitude are the people of my increase, and the people of my obedience are the people of my dignity, and the people of my disobedience I do not despair of my mercy, if they repent to me, I am their lover, for I love the repentant and I love the purifier, and if they do not repent to me, I am their doctor, I will afflict them with calamities to purify them from defects.

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