The Special Shaytan(خنزب)

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Their is a special Shaytan designed only to come and distract you during prayer, he doesn't make an appearance during the day or during the night but as soon as you say "Allahu akbar" (الله أكبر)(which is how the prayer start) he's there.

Reminding you of something in the car or at home or something you had to do a minute ago, from where does all that come from, it comes from the Shaytan named khanzab (خنزب) he's staying with you until you finish your prayer and why does the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him wants us to know about this Shaytan?

Because he wants us to be aware, stay focused, and alert that as soon as you start praying their is an enemy trying to steal from your prayer.

This is it for today, hope you have a nice day and may Allah always be with you and Salam alaykom wa rahmato lahi WA barakato ❤️🌹

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