The Biggest Test Of Allah

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One of the main teachings of the Quran itself is to understand how we are supposed to react when we are in a trial, the true essence of the Quran is for us to understand that when trials happen, they happen because we have Imman (Faith) so we have to pay the price of Imman.

There will be difficulties in our lives, challenges, and there will be people dear to us or outsiders who will give us problems and these problems in a sense is Allah testing us for the grit of our faith and it's strength.

So be happy, be strong, always hope that whatever you are going through the only one whose going to help you is Allah.
And remember people who go through hard times are loved by Allah.

This is it for today, hope you have a nice day and may Allah always be with you and Salam alaykom wa rahmato lahi WA barakato ♥️🌹

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