Chapter 1

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I groaned as I sat up in my bed. I had gotten to my new school not too long ago, sometime last week. I haven't met my roommate yet, but I knew I had one. His side of the room was covered in pirate-like memoribilia, sort of like a little kids room.

My name is Bonnie. I know, I know, it's not exactly a manly name, but I've gotten used to it. But having a feminine name doesn't mean anything; I was on the track team back at my old school. I'll need to see if this place has one.

Anyways, I got up from my bed and got dressed after a quick shower. I put my neatest clothes on, though they weren't really what one would call dress clothes. It was just a white button-up with a black t-shirt, but it's as close to dress clothes I'll go.

I grabbed my stuff and went to the door of the dorm. As I opened it, I was greeted by cool air as I made my way outside. I strolled to the outside of the school, and leaned against a wall while waiting for the first bell. This was my first year at a boarding school, but as far as I knew, everything was pretty much the same aside from having dorms.

I pulled out my phone and started to play a horror game I had recently bought. It had been getting a lot of attention recently, and it was pretty simple, but still horrifying. I had gotten pretty far into one of the levels before a jumpscare I hadn't seen before made me drop my phone in surprise. It was then when a voice from came from beside me.

"You need to conserve the light you use. Flashes are better than steady beams." I looked at who spoke and saw a bear, who was probably watching me play. He was pretty well built, and was a bit taller than me, with brown fur and friendly blue eyes. "You were holding the flashlight button. It's better to flash it, saves the battery. It also stuns them."

I tried the level again, and with a little help from the bear, I was able to beat it with minimal difficulty. "Thanks! I've been stuck on this forever. I'm getting close to the end."

"Good luck, I've been stuck on the last level for weeks. I'm Freddy. Sorry if I scared you by coming out of nowhere."

"Nah, it's alright. I'm Bonnie."

"You play a lot of games?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not the best."

"Maybe you could swing by my dorm sometime. We can play together, maybe I could help you out?"

Before I could respond to his rather sudden request, a call came from the other direction. "Hey Freddy! Long time no see!" Freddy turned and waved at the person who called, a yellow chicken. Following her was a red fox with an eyepatch over his right eye.

"Hey Foxy, hey Chica!"

"Ahoy, matey! How was yer summer?" The fox (whose name I assume was Foxy) asked Freddy, sparing a glance in my direction. When he looked at me, I looked down. I never was all that social, and to be honest, Foxy was kinda handsome, as much as I hate to admit it.

"Well, aside from visiting my family, not much happened. It was okay. What about yours?"

"Aye, 'twas alright. I did get t' visit me family near Barbados." Foxy then looked at me with a smile. "And who this be?"

"I'm Bonnie. It's nice to meet you." I held out my hand.

"The pleasure be mine!" He shook my hand, and I blushed a little as his soft fur touched mine. I think he noticed, as his amber eyes were fixed on mine, but I hope he didn't.

The four of us talked for a while about random things, my eyes fixed on Foxy the whole time. His eyes, his accent, his fur, his smile...I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

The bell rang, and while I said bye to them on the outside, I was really wanting to stay with them. I wanted to learn more about my new friends, sure. But mostly, I wanted to stay with Foxy. It was only the first day of the school year, and I already had a crush. And it was my first crush on a guy since...ever, actually.

Once I got to class, a few people were asking if I was fine. I understood why. If I saw someone with a nosebleed, I'd probably think they got into a fight or something, too.

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