Chapter 10

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Alright, Foxy's had his time. I'm sure he'll be back in the spotlight soon enough, but for now, let's go back to Bonnie.


I didn't want to wake up. Foxy had woke me up last night, and I had missed out on a bit of sleep. I was still tired, but I figured the best way to fix that is to go ahead and get up.

I eventually sighed and made my way out of bed. I lost my balance and fell forward, my face connecting with...

Wait, where's the pillow?

I opened my eyes and panicked, falling off the bed with a thud in the process. My face hadn't connected to the pillow because Foxy was in my bed. I had completely forgotten. But that's not the reason I freaked out; when I lost my balance and fell into him, my lips had connected with his. I had kissed him on accident.

I sat on the floor for a moment. When Foxy didn't move, I stood up slowly. "Foxy?"

No response. He was still asleep. I quietly thanked God, because if he had been awake, Lord knowns how he would've reacted...

"How would he have reacted?" I started to wonder. My mind began to wander as I thought.

Maybe he would've kissed me back? I have to say, his lips were rather soft...I wonder what it'd be like to kiss him on purpose. I stared at Foxy. He was still asleep...

"No, you horny little bunny!" I thought. "Don't make out with the fox!"

"But maybe you could-"


"Fine, I won't kiss him. I'll just-"

Okay, I really need to stop. If I kept going, I would've wound up doing more than kissing him.

Not like I had anything against the idea.

I went to the living room and looked at the calendar on the wall. "Wait... It's Sunday?... I can just go back to sleep."

I started to go back to the bedroom, but I stopped at the door. Foxy's bed is still messed up, and he's still asleep in mine.

"Whatever... I'll take a nap on the couch..."

I laid down and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 9:43. Today was gonna be a long day. I closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep.


I felt the couch shift, and I opened my eyes. I looked at the clock: 12: 29. About three hours, not bad I guess.

"Ye awake now, aye?"

I smiled and sat up. "Mornin' Foxy."

"Mornin'." He had his eyepatch back on.

"Sleep good?"

"I s'pose so. Had worse nights, but it 'twas a swell rest."

"That's good." I said. I turned the tv on and we watched a cartoon for a while.



Foxy was twiddling his fingers. "Um... look, I'm sorry about...well... everything."

"You apologized last night. It's fine."

He started to smile. I couldn't help but smile back. And yet, something was... Off. There was a strange gleam in his eye.

"Foxy? You okay?"

"Well...depends on yer definition of "Okay"."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I...I've been needing to tell you something..."


"Bon, I...I realized a while ago that you weren't the only one hid in' somethin'. And ye may think I be referrin' t ' me eye, but..." he scoot closer to me and put his hand on mine.


He raised his hand and caressed my cheek. His eyes met mine, and he leaned forward slowly.

I felt my cheeks turn crimson. He put his lips to mine, and I moaned. This couldn't have actually been happening. Foxy was...kissing me?

He slid his hand onto my leg, rubbing up and down my thigh. Then he adjusted himself to where, instead of beside me, he was on top of me. He bit my lower lip, and I reluctantly opened my mouth.

He slid his tongue into my mouth, and I felt my breathing speed up. This was more than I had hoped for.

And I loved it.

He slid his hand up my shirt, rubbing my chest while his tongue explored my mouth.

I eventually had to push Foxy away to get some air. He put his forehead to mine, and the two of us were breathing heavily, staring into each other's eyes.

"I love ye, Bon..."

"I-I love you too, Foxy..."

He put his head onto my shoulder, and I placed my arms around his back.

He eventually fell asleep in my arms. I couldn't just get up now, so I knew I would have to say where I was at. So, I closed my eyes yet again, and fell asleep.


I opened my eyes, and smiled. But the smile faded quickly.

I was laying down, not sitting. And... where was Foxy?

I sat up. No. Don't tell me. I looked at the clock.



Still Sunday.

I groaned and flopped back down. I dreamed that? But it felt so real...

I heard a yawn, and a familiar voice said "Mornin' Bon."

I sighed. "Good morning, Foxy."


Shoulda known.


Had ya fooled there for a sec, didn't I? XD

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