Chapter 2

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As I went to my dorm room once the school day ended, my mind was abuzz.

I got to my room and immediately flopped down onto my bed, groaning into my pillow. I laid there for what seemed like forever when I heard the door open. I had completely forgotten; I had a roommate.

I began to think of who it could be. His bed area was covered in pirate stuff, like I noticed earlier. But that doesn't help me any. Wait. Pirate? Hold on just a minute...

"Avast, Bonnie me ol' pal!"

I tensed up as I looked at the door. As I expected, Foxy was there, wearing that killer smile of his. "Hey Foxy. I didn't expect you to be my roommate."

"Aye, 'twas a surprise fer both of us, then! Glad t' have ye aboard!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I'm glad, too."

That night, as I laid in my bed, I was unable to sleep. There was just so much going on. I turned over onto my side to look at Foxy. His fluffy tail swayed contently as he slept, and he snored gently, muttering words in his slumber. "Set sail...t' hearties..."

I sighed; while he was sleeping soundly, dreaming about being a Captain, I was just laying here staring at him.

I'm pathetic.

I got up and made my way outside, embracing the cool autumn air as it blew around me. I sat down in the grass, staring at the stars above. I did this all the time at my home, back in the countryside. I always looked at the stars when I had a lot on my mind. I loved the stars, and they helped me relax, no matter what the situation.

"The sky is really nice tonight, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is." I looked over and saw Freddy. "What're you doing out here?"

"Couldn't go to sleep. Didn't really want to, anyway." He sat beside me. "What about you?"

"I just... I just have a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

"Rather not tell."

"Oh. Okay."

We talked together for a while, and we eventually went back to our dorms. We met like this once or twice a week, just to get our problems off of our chest.

And then I spilled the beans.

One night early in October, we had talked for an hour or so whenever Freddy started to talk about his crush. She seemed really nice, smart, and plus, she was apparently a gamer.

"Tell you what. You tell me your crush, I'll tell you mine."

"...promise not to tell?" I asked nervously.

"Cmon, you can trust me!"

I sighed. "I...IhaveacrushonFoxy." I said quickly.

"You what?"

"I have a crush..." I looked into his eyes. Could I really trust him to not tell anyone? "I have a crush on Foxy. There, I said it. Happy?"

He simply stared at me, his face a blank slate. A smile overtook it, and he started to laugh. "You're kidding me, right?"

I shook my head. I was blushing, I could tell, and it just made the situation even more awkward. "No...I love him. I really do."

He waited a few seconds to see if there were any signs of change in my demeanor. When I remained serious, his smile faded and he rubbed a hand in his hair. "Oh... well, when're you gonna tell him? You can't tell me and then keep it a secret from him."

"I don't know." I leaned back on the grass. "I was wanting to see if he had any affection towards me. But so far, he seems to just think we're friends."

"Tell me: If you were able to have some alone time with Foxy, and you told him that you liked him, what exactly would you say?"

"Well," I started, "I'd probably tell him that I'd liked him since we've met, and that I wanted to be more than friends, as cheesy as that may be."

"And if he didn't believe you? How would you prove it?"

I looked at Freddy as I tried to get my thoughts in line. "I... I dunno."

"How about this," he started, "pretend I'm Foxy. Say what you said you would, and we'll see how this works out."

"That old thing? It'll never help; after all, Foxy has an accent."

"Aye, I know that, laddie. But ol' Freddy has quite a few tricks up 'is sleeve." Freddy imitated Foxy almost perfectly.

I was speechless. "How-"

"I'm good at mimicking voices, what can I say?"

"That was beyond good! That was almost perfect!"

He chuckled. "Thanks. Alright, let's get started. Oh, hold on! Close your eyes! It'll help!"

"Uh, you're not gonna rape me, are you?" I joked.

"Calm down, it's just to add to the effect of me being Foxy." He explained. "Alright, now..." He cleared his throat, and speaking in the voice of Foxy, said "So? I've 'erd ye have somethin' t' tell me."

The strange thing is, I really did feel as if I was talking to Foxy. Freddy was doing a great job. "Look, Foxy, I've been meaning to tell you this since we've met, but..." I paused.

"Aye, go on."

"Foxy... I love you. I have since we first met, but I've never been brave enough to tell you."

Foxy - er, Freddy, my bad - was quiet for a moment. "Eh, is this a joke, matie?"

"No, I love you... and if you don't love me, I understand, but you deserve to know."

"Well, a sailor always needs to prove his point, ye know. And t' be honest, I'm still not quite sure I believe ye."

I don't really know what happened next, or how it happened, or even who made the first move, but the next thing I knew, I was right next to Freddy, and he was... kissing me? I couldn't believe it; I resisted a little at first, but after a few seconds I gave in.

No, I shouldn't be doing this! This wasn't Foxy, it was Freddy! I'm a fucking idiot! I pulled away as fast as I could, opening my eyes wide. Freddy was breathing heavy, smiling a little. That's when I realized his crush wasn't a girl; it was me.

"Heh." He said between pants. "Not a bad kisser, Bonnie."

"I... I..." I stood up and looked down at Freddy, who was still sitting. "I don't..."

"Look, let's just take a moment and talk about what just happened, kay?" He started to stand, but I was running by the time he was on his feet.

I ran all the way to my dorm, not listening to Freddy calling from behind me. A few tears fell from my eyes, blurring my vision as I ran.

I looked into the sky, towards the shining lights that had always comforted me every time something was wrong in my life. But for the first time ever, the stars in the October sky only made me feel worse.

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