Chapter Nine)

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"uh-um, Undyne dear? You're, you're really uh-um.... Sweaty-"

"I *gasp* I am NOT jeeze *wheeze* The air is just *cough cough* leaking on my scales"

"That's... That's not, it doesn't work that w-way"

Alphis was looming over her scaled girlfriend, their glasses fogged from the sprint and claws patting Undyes back while they worriedly waited for her to calm down.

You were watching from a distance, walking at a normal pace towards them with the two kids guiding you forward. A sort of smile spreading softly to your pale cheeks while giving a breathy giggle, Frisk following with his own silent snicker.

"Why does anyone do this such thing ohasgoreAlphIcanunderstandwhyyouhavesuchlovelylegsIrespectyou" Undyne spoke on empty lungs while she picked herself back up, "oh the humans, Sup punks! What took you so long?!" She cheered out once spotting you and the other two.

"Well we would have arrived sooner if some people walked a bit faster" Chara replied back in a frustrated tone while pointing a thumb to you and Frisk. Frisk simply replied with a playful sour lip.

You finally came to a stop infront of the other two, the four coming to a nice conversation outside the closed tea shop, most likely waiting for their friends to arrive. Of course you were a little out of place; since you are of course are the only human adult-sort-of. Finding yourself playing with your drawstring of your hoodie, you noticed from the corner of your eye a glimmer of white.

Turning your gaze to the sky, you were not expecting said thing to land with such a speed that you swore the other side of the earth was now experiencing an earthquake, all while everyone else seemed unfazed by the sudden appearance of the one and only Papyrus.
His head strung high over his shoulders and hands to his hips, he wore a proud look while showing off his cool wings.

"NYHEHEHE, FRET NOT FRIENDS AS I HAVE ARRIVED (slightly behind schedule I apologize) IT TOOK ME A BIT TO AWAKE MY LAZY BROTHER THAT I BECAME JUST AS FASHIONABLY LATE AS METTATON" Papyrus cheered, and without another moment, the hot pink robot had arrived in a black vehicle, his hotter pink heels stepping out with his body and feathers following, he too flaunted them out.
"Hello there darlings, good to see you here too Y/n" Mettaton hummed, stepping over to you in a strut before grasping your hand and giving your knuckles a kiss, earning an embarrassed blush, which he gave a small wink to before strutting to Papyrus' side and draping his arms over and gave a playful kiss to his cheekbone.

"Hey there you love birds, about time really" Undyne playfully complained while grabbing Papyrus to a headlock.
"Well you know how it goes, beauty like mine cannot come without some special affects" Mettaton hummed, dramatically fanning his face, encouraging a giggly smile from yourself, ' this is actually pretty fun'

Not long after, the lights to the tea shop flickered alight, following by a ring of the bell as the door opened, revealing the gentle Asgore in his tea stained shirt, and behind him was a monster of similar race wearing a simple violet dress, her manner screaming motherly as she waved over to you all while her brown owl like wings shimmied which you couldn't help but wave back to.

"Ah I see you all have arrived, much apologies for not opening sooner for you all, I came down to an inconvenience while brewing tea with Miss Tori" Asgore chuckled, stepping outside to allow his massive self out while also allowing Tori to walk out after.
"You've always been a clumsy goat when it came to plates" Tori snickered, pulling her paws to rest on her lap as she stood, "oh and I see this is the human you all have been chatting about at lunch, hello dear, I'm Toriel" she greeted, bowing her head slightly to you, you nodded back, "hi Miss Toriel, I'm Y/n l/n" you greeted back in a shy manner while twisting at your fingers.

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