chapter 2 more damage

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The note was so complex, the men in the army couldn't figure out what it ment. Many days later the moon goddess Luna decides to go back to New york. Again she attacks the city with mighty ferocity but this time the army was ready to do some damage. Luna notices a trail of catnip leading to the ocean and like all cats she loves catnip, so she follows it. Luna follows the cat nip all the way to the ocean. Once to the ocean Luna realizes she has been followed by the military. "Meow" Luna says as loud as possible, meaning to burst the men's ear drums. A couple men fall twitching while blood pours from their ears. Luna decides to play with her food before she eats it. She walks towards the army as the men left standing get their guns ready. Luna easily pushes over a tank onto a squadron of men. Only a couple men left and Luna is already making her move. She pounces onto the remaining men. All of them crushed like pancakes stain the fur of Luna's beautiful coat.

Luna walks back to the main city and away from the ocean but is quickly greeted by the army's reinforcements. "Shoot shoot shoot shoot" the men yell as they fire their guns. The bullets don't get past Luna's coat which protects her from all harm. Luna rolls over smashing everything around her. Again and again the soldiers yell for help but get squished before anyone could hear them. Luna knowing no one could survive that turns her attention to the tanks. Luna shrinks at will. Going under the tank in the middle she grows again to her regular size making an explosion-like impact onto the tanks. More yelling from citizens causes Luna to have even more blood lust, wanting so much to kill every single living thing within a twenty mile radius. Luna breaks building after building purring without even noticing. She looks into a building "look mommy it's a cat! Can we keep her please." luna meows again and again until the child screams with terror holding their hands to their ears while blood exsplodes making a beautiful aray of crimson. After the mother comes running in to see if her child is okay, Luna smiles and topples the building. As her blood lust is quenched she decides to come back another day and have more fun. 

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