Chapter 2

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After taking a train to Shinjuku, you managed to arrive in only a few hours. At the train station, you got off and were faced with familiar looking faces. Your family! How did they know? Your crow must've told them, which was wonderful as it would save money for housing and you could ensure your family was safe. A win-win.

"Mother, Father! It's such a relief knowing you're all okay!" you said, wrapping them up in your arms. They eagerly hugged you back. "Your siblings could hardly contain themselves after hearing you'd return, but let's hurry as your sword might worry a few people!" your mother said as she started directing you to your home.

As the Demon Slayer Corps wasn't officially recognised by the government, walking around in a uniform with a sword might alert some people, and that was the last thing you needed in your hometown.

You were quite well known as you were the beauty of your hometown, some say the beauty of Japan. Many parents had begged your parents to let their sons be betrothed to such a beautiful and strong girl, but you parents would always say that it would be your choice, not theirs.

As you neared the home in which you grew up in, it became clear that night was about to fall upon the town, and you lived in the countryside of the town so you wanted to get home as soon as possible. "Y/n! I knew you'd be back!" your little sister squealed. You gave a content close eyed smile, appreciating the moment of livelihood that surrounded the household. "Hey, I thought you said that I get to hug her first!" your little brother moaned, your little sister giving him a cheeky pout in return, clinging onto your leg.

"Alright you two that's enough. Let your sister get dressed, it's probably been a really long day of travelling for her." your mother said, you waved it off trying to release the tension created but ended up getting sent to your room to change.

After getting dressed in a beautiful white kimono with light purple accents and deep purple stitching, you decided to go help your mother with dinner. Dusk had settled in and the sky was painted with an array of yellows, blues, purples and reds. "Mother, is there anything I can do to help with dinner preparations?" you asked on your way to the kitchen. "Oh it would be such a big help if you could fetch me some shiso (a traditional herb used in many japanese cooking recipes) from the garden please?" your mother asked while using a cloth to wipe away the buildup of sweat from her forehead. "Of course, I'll be there right away." you said, making your way to the front door.

While outside you heard a distant scream of a child, it concerned you, but most of the time it was out of play and not danger, so you shook it off and went back inside. "Here Mother," you gave the herbs to her gentle hands as she thanked you. "Have you heard any news about bsf/n (best friend's name)? You asked.

Her smile faded.

"My child, there has been a terrible case of demons lately, and nobody has heard of her since last month. We assume that she was either killed or turned into a demon." your mother said. Your mouth hung, "No no. But we grew up together! She went through the Final Selection with me! She's killed so many demons, she was good at slaying them so there's no way!" you said in complete disbelief. "Look y/n, I understand, but these things happen, how many hashira were even more skilled than her and have been killed?" she replied. Your head was held down. You knew she was right, but it was someone who was basically your sister.

- M_Storyz

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