Chapter 5

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POV: no one

As y/n left behind the tall buildings and glowing lights, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, so she decided to remain alert for the time being. "Y/n, I'm so glad you made it back safely, you were gone for hours!" y/n's mother exclaimed. Y/n looked at the dark forest behind her, "Sorry Mother, I got caught up in quite a few familiar faces." she said, not mentioning the member of the Lower Moons in fear of being restricted from leaving.

Even if y/n was the strongest hashira, her mother would still ban her to their home forever if she heard her daughter was hurt by demons. After she was content with y/n's apology, the family was called in to eat dinner.

Everyone gathered on the tatami floor, sitting down to make their way to the low dining table to start dinner.


"I want each of you to take turns, watching the girl's habits and movements every night for three weeks, you shall report your findings to me by the end of each week," the demon king had said. The three Upper Moons were lined up and bowed as low as they possibly could, they all uttered a, "Yes Muzan-sama," and it was decided that this would be the schedule for the next two weeks:

Week 1: Kokushibo (Upper Moon 1)

Week 2: Douma (Upper Moon 2)

Week 3: Akaza (Upper Moon 3)

POV: Kokushibo

Week 1:

As dusk was starting to settle in, I had swiftly moved between the shadows toward the girl's house. The first night was nothing special, but I had started to make sense of the layout of her home from the windows. The second night, she went out to the city, she returned with a few groceries assuming it was for her family and had an early night's rest. The third night, she remained at home, it became clear that she has two siblings, a younger sister and a brother. She looked after them and stayed until they fell asleep, greeted her parents return and went straight to bed. The fourth night was spent on maintenance of her weaponry, so it seems she might be part of the Demon Slayer Corps. The fifth, sixth and seventh night was spent washing her uniform, and the rest of her family's clothes in a nearby river after her return from the city.

As I relayed all this information back to Master Muzan, he seemed satisfied with the information presented to him and dismissed me with the instruction to let Douma know that it was his turn this week.

POV: Douma

Week 2:

"Boring!" I had said that in response to Kokushibo's message from Master Muzan. I dragged out the 'g' to let him understand my annoyance with the whole task, but what Master says is what goes. He simply rolled his eyes (cause he has 6 get it?) at me and told me to get a move on.

Oh well, the first night was a drag, the constant urge to devour her was barely manageable. But I must say, I can see why the master has taken an interest in her, she gave off such a strong and passive aura. The second and third night she took her little siblings to the city, they left for home before dark of course, but the fourth night was absolutely sensational. That night, she was about to head to the nearby river to wash her haori, when she scraped her ankle on a nearby rock she missed as it was already nighttime and the only source of light was from the moon. The smell of her blood was indescribable. How it lingered around one's taste buds without even getting a taste! How blissful, hearing her groan from annoyance wasn't even an issue. Her blood was the perfect shade of deep crimson, the perfect consistency, and it smelled more filling than that of a Marechi. I decided that no further watching was needed, so I headed straight to the master. This was going to please him very much.

"Douma, had I not said to return only by the end of the week? I expect better from an Upper Moon, what is your excuse?" Muzan asked, his head filled with veins out of annoyance from the Upper two's actions. "Muzan-sama, I have returned earlier as I have information that couldn't possibly wait three more days." I said, I remained with my head bowed, a grin appearing on my face as I knew he would be pleased with my reason for my early return. "Speak," he ordered. I graciously nodded my head, "You see Master, her blood is so filling, more than a Marechi, it would be awful of me to make you wait for that news for another three nights." I said. His eyes widened, "Douma, how is it that you know the traits of her blood, I thought it was clear that you do NOT touch her." he said, his voice turning into anger. "Oh Muzan-sama! She had scraped her ankle on a nearby rock she missed, just by smelling the scent of her blood made it clear what power it holds!" I said, he seemed to have been satisfied with my answer, then dismissed me to summon Akaza and Kokushibo.


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