Chapter 15

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After a long walk of silence between the Upper Moon and Muzan, you were now once again in the infinity castle. Your eyes were constantly shifting to the consistent changes of the structure. If you hadn't followed Muzan or Kokushibo, you would've definitely gotten lost. After a 'trang' was heard, the building's interior changed once more, the orangy-red lights still emitting a faint glow. The staircase on which you were walking started shifting, causing you to jump to a nearby platform, you stared confused at the missing site of Muzan and the demon. You looked up, taken aback when they were both walking completely normally on a staircase turned upside down hanging above you.

After walking for a few minutes in the never-ending building, you were finally halted at a platform. "Now, it will be daylight soon, and I need something from you," Muzan had said, facing you as you were standing barely a few inches away from the platform's edge. "I need your blood, as well as you to accompany me in case more is required, understood?" he asked, staring at you, making you feel as if he was staring at your soul or staring right through you. You nodded, it was a perfect chance to find an escape or at least alert someone. But you knew you had to be smart about it. One mistake, and Muzan would surely kill you.

Muzan extended a hand, his eyes not once leaving yours. You took it, gently intertwining your fingers with his, jumping slightly at the sudden drop in temperature. His skin was cold, dead. 'How lifeless..' you thought, staring down at the tone difference in your hands.

Suddenly you were roughly yanked closer to Muzan, a little gasp escaping as you were caught off guard. Your eyes dart to his glowing red, your body suddenly swelling up with fear. Your heart felt as if it was about to burst through your chest. As you scanned his face, his pale features were now more defined, and several veins appeared on his forehead. His lips clearly curved into an angry frown.

" me lifeless again," he commanded, as a suffocating feeling of anger and fear enveloped the two of you, "Is that clear? I refuse to be insulted by a mere human," he said, raising his voice, making you squint back and shut your eyes, then opening them. You forgot he could read minds. You had to be more careful about your words if you wanted to stay alive. You were slightly shaking, internally screaming at yourself to stop looking so pathetic. He smiled, clearly enjoying bringing such rising tension and fear among you.

"I want you to listen very carefully now. When I say jump, you ask how high. When I say run, you ask how far. When I command you, you comply with every last word even if it means your death, is that clear? I find myself losing patience with you every day. Do not make me waste any more time on you than I need to. Is that understood, my dear?" Muzan said, every inch of you was left feeling defenceless. You hated it. The overwhelming fear and hatred was swallowing you, yet you never looked up, simply nodding your head, trying to not anger the demon king further.

"Wonderful, I hope you can stay true to your word this time, then you'll see that you've only been making this difficult for yourself thus far," Muzan said, then motioning for you to follow with a slight pull at your hand. You quietly followed behind him. You were then escorted into another room, which had a delicately made kimono. It had fine colours beautifully blended to form...spider lilies? No, just very similar looking flowers. It was almost ironic, huh?

 It was almost ironic, huh?

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"Change." Muzan said, turning his attention back to you. Your eyes widened. There was no way in hell you were going to change in front of a demon. "Could I get some privacy, please?" you asked, trying to sound as genuinely polite as you could. He nodded, then turned around, leaving the room and sliding two screen doors closed. You felt his presence waiting outside, slowly growing impatient, so you hurried over and rushed to put on the kimono.

Just as you finished putting on the kimono, you made your way over to the doors, softly pulling them apart. You noticed Muzan was still waiting for you. He moved closer and made his hand go to your head. Your heart was beating faster and faster, trying to escape from your chest. He then pulled a pin out of your hair, which made your h/l hair fall down, naturally starting to form soft waves at the end. "Right, follow me." he commanded.

After exiting the castle, you walked a few kilometres into a forest until he motioned for you to stop. He then suddenly went behind you, and picked you up with both his arms. You were instantly suppressing the urge to bat his hand away, but knew that he was correct earlier. He had been surprisingly patient with you and you certainly didn't want to get on his nerves. In almost an instant, it seemed as if he simply took one step when you were suddenly confronted by the bright city lights. He was incredibly fast. He then set you down on your feet, and made you face him. "Now, do you see how the sky is turning brighter?" he asked, pointing toward the lightened sky as the sun was starting to make it's way over the horizon. You nodded.

"Well, I am going to take your blood now, so that I can be exposed to the sun." he said, his voice never changing. You nodded, and extended your forearm, turning it over and sliding up the sleeve of the kimono to expose your previously incisioned arm. Muzan took his index finger, and made a long and thin cut right above a visible and large vein. You used your other arm to stop yourself from wincing in pain, as you hadn't expected him to cut so deeply. Your arm was starting to feel a sudden burn, accompanied by a feeling of numbness and deprivation of your vision for a moment. Muzan took his hands, and cupped them underneath your dripping arm, collecting the blood in his hands. He brought his hands to his lips, and started consuming the deep liquid. 

- M_Storyz

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