Chapter 16

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As Muzan was busy consuming your blood, your forearm was still extended and your blood was busy spilling out. "Do not let any of your blood go to waste," Muzan said, making you use your right hand to start collecting the blood spilling from the deep slit Muzan made. You kneeled, trying to save any blood that was spilled, but your hand was running out of capacity for all the blood you were collecting. You got up, and held your cupped hands, trying to prevent even a small drop from escaping. Muzan held his hands as you transferred the liquid from your hands to his. Once again, he brought it to his lips, while you kneeled trying to catch the rest of your blood.

By the time your hands were full for a second time, you hadn't even noticed how much you had bled out. And Muzan certainly didn't care, as he only wanted more, not even for its resistance to the sun, but how filling and rich it tasted. With every sip he took, it seemed as if his eyes glowed brighter, and the veins on his hands and face became increasingly large. As you got up to give him the second serving of your blood, you could barely find the strength in your knees to push you up, but you still got up, not wanting to test his patience any further. You brought your hands together once again, holding them as you waited for Muzan to extend his hands. You then transferred the blood to his hands again, and started collecting the blood once more, then kneeling to fill your cupped hands for a third time. Your vision had slowly started to become fuzzy. Yet you shook it off. You knew your capabilities, and a bit of blood loss surely wouldn't stop you.

Your hands were full once again, and your blood hadn't slowed from rushing out of your arm. It was still dripping at what most would find an alarming rate, but you knew you could still hold out until Muzan had enough. You got up, barely. You had to use a lot of energy from your legs, yet your knees felt weak, but you still somehow managed to get up. Your breathing was starting to get heavier, but you breathed through your teeth, not wanting to let Muzan get any sign of your approaching weakness.

You had now given Muzan multiple shares of your blood, you were standing before him, your arms cupped and extended, filled with your own blood once more. Before Muzan took it, he looked at you. Your face was slightly thinner than before, and your eyes were starting to look sunken in their sockets. Your complexion seemed dulled. Almost...lifeless.

Muzan took the blood in his hands once again, then after he was done, he saw you kneeled. Your hands cupped the blood, and you were on your knees, left without enough strength to get up. Your eyes were sunken and hollow. You had lost too much blood, so much so that if you were not as strong as you were, you would already be dead. You lifted your hands with the remaining blood, and poured it into Muzan's hands. Your arms dropped from exhaustion. After Muzan had finished, he held his hand, and waited for you to take it. You took it, despite rather wanting to die on the forest ground. You mostly relied on Muzan to help you up, as you had little to no strength left. It was almost impossible to stay standing without locking your legs in place.

Muzan took your arm, and took a cloth from his jacket's breast pocket. He held the cloth firmly against your arm, and removed it to show your blood finally drying up. You weren't bleeding out anymore, but you could feel the heavy feeling of utter exhaustion. "Come, now we walk." Muzan commanded, making you walk on his left and hooking his left arm onto your right, allowing you to use your stronger hand to grip onto his forearm for balance. You made sure your kimono covered the incision, and then proceeded to walk into the city.

As you were walking amongst the crowds, many people who knew you as the beauty of Shinjuku waved and greeted you. It was now sunrise, and the sky created a sense of safety and productivity. Muzan was walking with you, in the sunlight. It was incredible that your blood was capable of doing so, but with the amount that he ingested, he would likely be immune for 24-30 hours. Many people tried making small talk with you, but there was one man who stood at the side of a building you were passing. "Ah y/n! You are looking absolutely stunning, and my son here would certainly be a fair husband for someone as beautiful as you!" the man said. You knew him, he had always bugged your father to marry his son, but you were never interested.

"She's not interested," Muzan said, and nudged you to continue walking, until the man rushed in front of you with his son. His son puffed up his chest, trying to intimidate Muzan, but it was obviously not working. "Stop, please, just go-" you said, trying to spare them from getting killed. The man interrupted you, "Oh? And who may this be?" he said, referring to Muzan. Muzan glared, the anger becoming clearly obvious in his face. You had to think quickly, before these people were killed.

"He's my husband!" you assertively said. You mentally facepalmed at how stupid the idea sounded, but you knew you did the right thing. "I'm sorry, but we met earlier this year, and got married two months ago, but we are very happy together and hope to spend many years together.." you quickly added, resting your head on Muzan's shoulder, and he turned his head to look at the men, resting his chin on your head. Your heart beated, wishing you could slice the demon's neck there and then. "Oh, well, you two seem very good together," the man said, motioning for his son to follow, his son still giving Muzan a glare.

- M_Storyz

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