2-Baby's First Time Being Held

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I bit my lip and watched the nurse place little Aubrey in Harry's arms. He looked at her with a proud smile on his face, gently rocking her back and forth to calm her cries and whimpers. He grinned when he saw you watch them, he looked back at Bree and saw that she was watching him with a funny expression. "Hi Bree, I'm your da da. You are so beautiful, I love you and your mum so much." He said softly to not scare her. He planted a very gentle kiss on her forehead before placing her carefully in my arms to give you a turn to admire her. She already looked so much like her father, making you giggle slightly. She started to whimper again, you looked up worriedly at the nurse who took her out of your arms. "Don't worry, she's jusy very sensitive right now. You should get some rest, your body needs it."

You groaned as you woke up, giving birth is tiring! Liam's smile grew when he held Jess in his arms, he looked at her as if she was the only thing that mattered. She was surprisingly calm, she stuck her fist out of her blanket and grabbed the finger he was caressing her cheek with. He gasped at her tiny hand holding onto his finger and looked up at you with a surprised grin. "Hello little Jessamine, welcome to the family." He cooed with a huge smile. He gently detached her fingers from his and placed her in your arms. You silently thanked him and craddled her in your arms. Her lips parted slighty and then she fell asleep in your arms.

You craddled Rachel before handing her to Niall. His eyes filled with tears as he held her close to his chest. You leaned forward and wiped away his tears, he looked up at you and smiled. "She's just as gorgeous as her mummy." He whispered, making you blush. He stroked her short reddish hair softly with a proud look on his face. Rae looked at him with wide eyes right before she started to cry. Niall nervously patted her back in attempt to calm her down, and didn't succeed. You giggled and brought her to your arms, quieting her. "Don't worry Nialler, you'll get the hang of it." You said with a grin.

Y/N was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, after all giving birth to twins is not easy. I stroked her hair, admiring her. She blinked a few times, she smiled when she saw me. "How are you feeling? Still very sore?" I asked, knowing that there was nothing I could really do to help. She nodded slightly. The door opened and the nurse came in with the babies. My eyes widened and filled in tears. They were so beautiful, just like their mother. "Would you like to meet them?" The nurse smiled. I looked at Y/N and nodded. She placed Lucas in my arms and Connor in Y/N's. I smiled at him and gently stroked his soft cheek, he wiggled and whimpered in my arms. After a few minutes with Lucas, we switched and I held Connor. Unlike his brother,  he stayed still and calm, watching me with lazy eyes. "They're perfect." I murmured.

Hope you guys are liking this so far, they're so fun to write x
Follow my instagram (@hazzamnesia) because I sometimes post pictures of the babies!
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