4-Meeting the Family

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The door opened, making you look up from peaceful Bree, Anne and your mother walked in with Harry. You smiled and lifted your free hand to your lips, letting them know that the baby was asleep. They nodded understandingly and quietly walked to my bed, staring at their first Granddaughter in awe. Your mother's eyes filled with tears, she gave you a kiss on the forehead (which now reminded you of Aubrey and yourself) and congratulated Harry and you on the beautiful baby girl. Anne gave Aubrey a gentle kiss on her cheek, you giggled at Harry who was rolling his eyes at her. "Y/N, how are you feeling?" My mother-in-law asked you kindly.
"Tired but it's not too bad." You answered.
"Do you want to get some rest?"
Your cheeks flushed,  You were pretty tired but didn't want to send them away.
"I think she is, get some sleep darling." Harry answered for you. He moved to pick the newborn up but Anne was a few steps ahead of him and picked her up first. Harry smiled at her, glad that she already loved her granddaughter. Your mum's left the room giving both of you some privacy. Harry stroked your hair and pressed his lips on yours, "I love you so much Y/N, I'm so proud of you."
"I love you too Harry, so much."
"Get some rest, I'll go check on the new grandmothers,  make sure that they aren't waking her up with all the kisses." He said standing up.
You giggled and closed your eyes allowing yourself to finally fall asleep.

I sighed and loosened my arms around Y/N as she got up to calm down Jess who had just woken up. I got up to help her but she stopped me, "Don't worry, I'll just bring her here. Stay here, I can do this." I smiled and sat back down. A few moments later the doorbell rang and I happily opened the door to Y/N's family. They lived overseas and weren't able to meet Jessie when she was born, unlike my family, so they were coming now. I greeted them all with hugs and let them get comfortable,  showing them their rooms. Once Jessie fell back asleep Y/N came back to the living room and squeeled when she saw her family waiting for her, "I've missed you guys so much." She said with glossy eyes not hesitating to give her parents and her sister hugs. "We missed you too sweetheart, so is baby Jassamine asleep?" Her father asked. Y/N nodded and showed them to the nursery, warning them to be quiet. They stepped in and instantly crowded around her crib staring at her sleeping in awe, after a few minutes of that we all went to the dining room to catch up over dinner.

I watched Y/N craddle Rachel in her arms, she had given birth last night and she finally got to spend some quality time with her after they both got some rest. The door opened and Greg, Denisse and Theo walked in. Greg gave me a hug congratulated us on the newborn and Denisse went to gave Y/N a kiss and also congratulated us. I looked down at Theo and scooped him up, "I've missed my favourite nephew!" I exclaimed joyfully, making him giggle. "Guess what? You have a baby cousin now, her name's Rachel." I walked over to the bed with him on my hip, "Here she is," I murmured,  his eyes widened and he smiled. I put him back down on the floor once he got a look at her and let Greg and Denisse stand on each side of the bed. "She's beautiful," Denisse whispered, making me smile. "Here, you can hold her." Y/N said gently placing her in her sister-in-law's arms, she rocked her gently and then passed her to Greg. Rae's lips started to tremble and she errupted into piercing shrieks and cries, he tried to calm her down but the only way to do that was to get her back in her mother's arms.

"Are you ready for visitors?" Louis asked you while stroking your hair, you nodded with a smile and he got up to find Jay and your parents who were in the waiting room. He came back into the room with them following closely behind, as soon as they saw the babies they all started to compliment and congratulate both of you. "Can I hold one of them?" Jay asked with tears in her eyes. You nodded and Louis moved to pick Lucas up and placed him in her arms.
"Mum, dad, do you want to meet connor?" You asked them quietly, they both nodded and came to stand next to your bed. You picked Connor up and passed him to your dad, tears rolled down his cheek, "He's beautiful." He murmured making some tears escape your eyes too, your dad and your son, it was precious. He passed him to your mother making her smile grow, "Isn't he delicious," she said making you giggle, it's what she use to say to you when you were a baby. After a few minutes your mothers switched babies and admired the other one, when they were done Jay gave Louis Connor and your dad gave you Lucas. "They are adorable, I think we'll give you guys some privacy now." Louis' mother said before giving you each a hug and leaving with your parents.

Wow! 400 reads....tysm! Vote and comment which one was your favourite! I'll update when my last chapter and this one get to 5 votes and 2 comments x

I inserted the cutest video of Louis with a baby and a manip of him with a baby in his arms,  he's so cuteeee

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