12 - He leaves for tour

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This is the last chapter of my baby series, so I aged the kids since this is sort of the transition to the toddler series that I will be writing soon x

You had known about Harry's tour schedule for a few weeks now but that didnt make it any easier to say goodbye to him. You didn't know how to tell Aubrey, who was only three years old, but you and Harry sat her down to explain why he had to leave and she nodded her head sadly. Unfortunately that wasn't the saddest part. When it was Bree's turn to say goodbye to her daddy, she was in tears. "Promise you will come back daddy?" She questioned while wrapping herself around his leg. "I promise sweety, I would never leave you like this. I just have to work." He said while lifting her into a hug and kissing her all over, making her giggle. After a long embrace, he put her down and went over to you, pulling you into his chest for one last hug. "I'm really going to miss you guys. I hate leaving, I hate not being here for both of you." He whispered into your ear, with his voice cracking slightly. You kissed him, reassuring him that everything would be fine and that you would call him everyday. You held onto Aubrey as the two of you watched him leave, knowing that the last time you would see him would be in four months.

You sat on the edge of your shared bed and helped Liam fold a few shirts of his. He sat next to you and sighed. You gently placed the last one down and took his hand, it broke your heart to watch Liam pack his bags, getting ready to leave for tour. "I'm going to miss you, we both are." You whispered, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. Jessamine was only one, turning two in a month, meaning that Liam wouldn't be here to celebrate her birthday with you, he would be across the world, performing in front of a large crowd instead. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before softly kissing your forehead, "I'm going to miss you guys too, but I'll be back before you know it." He reassured you.

You heard Jessamine's little footsteps in the hallway before seeing her waddle into the room. "Hey baby," Liam cooed while opening his arms, to which she ran into. He lifted her off the ground and placed her on his lap. Jess pointed at the open suitcase with a smile on her face, "We go holiday?" Liam looked at you amd hesitated, "No, daddy's got to work, remember?" She frowned, obviously confused at what was happening.
"Daddy no love me?" She asked, tearing up. He wiped a tear that rolled down her face before kissing her cheek. "No no, don't think that. Of course I love you, I just have to go away for a while. But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." Before she could say anything she started tickling her all over, making her feel better.

He looked at his watch and sighed, "It's almost time, I got to go." He said sadly. He leaned down and ruffled Rachel's hair, "Don't worry sweetie, I'll be back before you know it." Rachel pouted and whined' "No daddy, no leave." He scooped her small body up and sat her on his lap. "Rae, I wish I didn't have to go, but I do. But listen, if you're good for mummy, when I come back I'll have a big surprise for you." This immediately caught her attention, causing her eyes to widen and a smile to appear on her face. "Surprise!? Daddy what is it?" Niall chuckled, "Well if I tell you then it wouldn't be much of a surprise would it?" He set her back down on the floor after smothering her in kisses. He pressed his palm to your cheeck and planted a kiss on your lips, causing Rachel to stick her tongue out in disgust, along with an audible 'yuck' sound. "Please take care, and if anything happens, call me, I'll take the first flight out. I'm going to miss both of you so much." He said, wiping a tear off of his cheeck with the back of his hand. You kissed him once more, "I really wish you didn't have to leave. I don't know what we'll do during the 4 months without you." Before you knew it  you heard a car honking from outside the house and Niall was gone, leaving you and Rachel alone.

You watched as Louis sat on the floor, tickling and playing with Lucas and Connor who were laying on the couch watching cartoons. You knew that Louis was devastated to be leaving you guys as he left on tour, but he had to and wanted to spend the most time with them before he left. He watched the twins squirm around and laugh, causing Louis to laugh himself. The twins gasped for air before grinning and running away from their father, disappearing around the corner, Louis smiled at himself before walking after them. "Boys!" He called out, "You can stop hiding, I won't tickle you anymore, I just want to say bye before I leave!" He explained. The two little boys came out warily from their room, "You promise daddy?" Louis held his hands up in defeat "I promise." He squated and held his arms open as Lucas and Conner ran towards him, collapsing against his chest. "Please be good for mummy, it's not easy to look after the two of you. Oh, and no playing football in the house!" The boys nodded. Louis heard a few sniffles and muffled cries coming from his sons, causing his smile to fall. He rubbed their backs in an attempt to comfort them, "Please don't cry, daddy will be back before you realize and we'll be able to play together when tour is over, okay?" Once again the boys nodded, wiping their tears away.
Once Louis left the boys clung onto you, forcing you to cuddle in the living room.

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