7-Baby gets sick

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You and Harry lay in bed watching TV and enjoying the chance to rest since Aubrey was just across the hall taking a nap. Your eyes were starting to get heavy due to the lack of sleep that you had gotten these past few weeks. Right as you were about to fall asleep cries rang through the baby monitor. "Don't worry about it honey, I'll go check on her." Harry said, gently getting up from under you. After a few minutes he came back with Bree, who was still crying, in his arms. "Baby I think she's sick. Her head's feeling really hot and it would explain why she's been crying so much lately..." Harry said, pressing his hand onto her forehead before passing her to you. "Bring the thermometer while I call the doctor." You said after feeling her head.

"Darling, is everything okay?" You asked from the door of Jessamine's room. Liam had been in there for longer than usual and eventually you got worried and went to check on them. You saw him shake his head slightly, "I think she's sick. She keeps coughing and her nose is runny." You walked up to him and rubbed his back, you could clearly see that he was distressed. "Don't worry Li, she'll be fine once we give her some medicine." He nodded and stood up giving you a hug, "I don't like to think that Jess might be in pain." He whispered before kissing your forehead. "I know, me neither but there's nothing we can do other than give her some medicine and hope for the best."

Lately Rachel had been having trouble sleeping and would cry all night. One night you woke up and realised that Niall wasn't beside you. "Niall?" You called lightly but he didn't answer. You assumed that he was in Rae's room, and you were right. He was sitting beside her crib with his head in his hands. "Niall?" You said again, this time he looked up. You went over and gave him a hug, "I don't know what's wrong but I hate seeing Rachel in pain, especially knowing that I can't help her." He said into your shoulder. "Aw, Niall. I know what you mean but she'll be alright. What about we call your mum in the morning? I'm sure she'll know what to do." He nodded his head, "C'mon let's go back to bed."

You groaned as you got up for what seemed like the 1367th time today to change another diaper. The twins seemed to have gotten a stomach flu, meaning endless diaper changing for you and Louis.
When the boys were finally asleep you and Louis took the opportunity to relax and cuddle. You two lay in your bed and just talked. "I hope the boys get better soon..." You said.
"Mhmm... Can't imagine how they must be feeling." Louis said sadly.

Wow I'm so sorry Louis' sucked..i was running out of ideas :/
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