10 - Fan Encounters

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Thank you guys so much for 100 votes! Ilysm!


Aubrey hadn't let Harry leave this morning, crying every time he opened the door. In the end he had no choice but to take her with him. The one thing he had always been worried about while you were pregnant were fans and paparazzi hurting Aubrey and he hated the thought of that. He tried to keep his face hidden but it was inevitable, fans started to notice them. Harry kept walking, pushing Aubrey's stroller ahead of him. He heard a few girls squealing behind them and sighed. He turned around to greet them, making them squeal even louder. "Hi girls," He smiled at them. One of them cupped her hand over her mouth while the other smiled back greeting him too. "Can we please take a picture?" The first one asked. "Sure," He answered, smiling at the camera. "Oh my god, Aubrey's adorable! Could she be in the selfie?" The other fan asked. Harry glanced at the stroller and saw that Bree had fallen asleep, "Looks like she's dosed off, sorry girls," He said before they snapped the picture and were on their way. "That wasn't so bad.." Harry mumbled under his breath.

He rested his hand on the small of your back and you pushed the stroller. Liam had the day off and you took advantage by going out to lunch. You and Liam were a little bit nervous about being out with Jessie because things could get intense with fans and paparazzi. You guys were almost at the car when two people walked up to you. You grabbed Liam's hand and squeezed softly to let him know that you were uncomfortable. "Hi," the girl started, "I'm a huge fan and I was wondering if we could maybe get a picture?" "Sure," Liam smiled, posing with the girl while the boy snapped the picture. Once they were done the couple came up to you and saw Jess, lying in the stroller looking up at them with a confused face.
"Aw, she's adorable!" The girl cooed at her. "Congrats, mate." The guy said to Liam. "Have a nice day," They both said before leaving, leaving you and Liam stunned at how well Jessamine had reacted.

You, Niall and Rachel decided to go out for lunch with Niall's family today. On your way there you ran into a couple fans who wanted a picture with Niall and Rae. At first Rae was hesistant to get near the strangers but once you explained that they liked to hear her father sing, just like she did, she was more open about it. She smiled in the pictures and even made funny faces. The group of fans chatted with the three of you for a while before letting you guys go, in order to get to the restaurant in time. You were pleasently surprised at how at ease Rachel was with the fans, hopefully the initial excitement of it wouldn't wear off.

Louis was super protective over Connor and Lucas, not wanting any strangers to lay a finger on them. He was conflicted by the idea of them meeting fans, scared that his baby boys would get hurt, but it was inevitable. You could see how nervous Louis was as the three smiley teenage girls approached the four of you. You pecked his lips, "Calm down, honey. Just take the pictures while I stay with the twins," He nodded and smiled at the girls that had just stopped in front of him, asking for a picture. After taking the picture the girls asked Louis a few questions, which he happily answered, until one of them asked "The twins are adorable, could we say hi to them?". Louis looked at you with a questioning look, to which you nodded, and sighed, "Of course."
The girls went up to them, cooing and giggling at them, trying to get the babies to smile. Connor started crying as soon as one of the girls made a face at him, and Lucas followed soon after. The girls backed away, apologizing over and over about making them cry, before leaving. You picked Lucas up while Louis picked Connor up, stopping their crying. "They'll get over it, it's just too new at the moment." You assured the upset looking Louis.

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