6-Time alone with daddy

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HARRYIt had been a while since you had spent some time outside of the house so you decided to hang out with your best friend at the mall, leaving Harry and Aubrey alone tonight

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It had been a while since you had spent some time outside of the house so you decided to hang out with your best friend at the mall, leaving Harry and Aubrey alone tonight.  He heard little cries coming from Bree's room, "Coming baby!" he called up even though she wouldn't understand him. As soon as she saw him, her cries disappeared. He gently placed her in his arms and quietly hummed while taking her back down to the kitchen with him. Harry warmed up some milk and tried to follow the steps you had taught him. Once he succeeded in feeding and burping little Bree, he carried her to the couch and sat down with her in his arms. Bree was facinated with the bright moving pictures on the TV and stared at them for a while, making Harry chuckle. After a while her eyes got heavy and she fell asleep in her father's arms.

Today was Liam's day alone with Baby Jessie since you had gone to visit your sister for the day. The day had gone well other than when Jessamine was hungry but wouldn't eat after her nap. Liam had taken her for a walk at the park, he loved taking her out to get fresh air, and apparently she did too since whenever she was outdoors she would always be calmer. After their walk Liam put her down for a nap, which was a mistake. Jessamine had only woken up 2 hours ago and now it was her bedtime. She was restless and wouldn't stop crying to get her father's attention. When you got home you found Liam asleep in the rocking chair with Jess in his arms, making you smile. You loved seeing them together. Even when Liam was sleeping he was protective of her, when you tried to take her out of his arms and put her in her crib he woke up with a startled look before noticing that it was just you. That night Liam fell asleep quickly as it was a tiring day for him, taking care of Jessie all alone.

Niall woke up to cries coming from Rae's room. He groaned and turned over to your side of the bed only to realise that you weren't in bed with him. He remembered that you had told him about the trip you had planned with your friends. The cries continued and Niall went to calm Rachel down. "Goodmorning Rae." He said tiredly while picking her up from her crib. She sucked her thumb and she quieted down. "Let's get you some breakfast."
Rachel had been acting moody all day and wouldn't stop crying no matter how hard Niall tried to satisfy her. Eventually she got tired and fell asleep giving cranky Niall time to rest. When he woke up he and Rachel were feeling much better. Niall ended up calling you, and it went a little like this:

You: Niall? Is everything okay?

Niall: Everything's fine, y/n just wanted to hear your voice. Rae and I miss you.

You: Aw, I miss you guys too. I'll be back tomorrow. Is Rachel there?

Niall: Yep! Rachel, say hi to momma

You: Niall she can't speak yet...

Today was the first time Louis was completely alone with the twins. Sure he'd taken care of them without you but he'd had help from one of the boys, one of his sisters or his mom. But not today. Today he was going to have to survive alone.
He woke up to you shaking his arm slightly. "Lou...lou...louis?"
"Hmm?" He groaned.
"I'm going to leave now. Quick tip: wake up before they do and have their bottles ready." You pecked his forehead and left the room. He got up and followed your advice,  warming up two bottles of milk. Soon enough the two boys were crying, waiting for someone to tend to their needs. Louis went to the nursery and picked Connor and Lucas each in one arm. He kissed them both on the forehead "Well goodmorning to you too." He said with a smile, now that they had both stopped crying. After feeding and burping both the boys he sat down with them and switched on the TV to watch a match. Halfway through the match Connor started crying uncontrollably, and of course he needed a diaper change.  Louis managed to complete the task of changing his diaper after what seemed like hours. As soon as he took Connor back to the living room Lucas started crying. Louis groaned and repeated the process of diaper changing. By the time he was done Louis was exhausted and the match was over.

Happy Holidays everyone! And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! Sorry it's been so long since I've uploaded a chapter. Since I'm on vacation I'll have time to upload something yayy
I hope you guys like this one!
Ps: I have a new story called "All These Larry Things". They are a bunch of Larry imagines for all you Larries so yeahhh go check that out!

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