Chapter 3: Step 1 to a normal life

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3rd person POV:

After the phone call with Colin, Scarlett was relaxing on the couch and Andi was still fast asleep right next to her. Andi's head on a pillow and her legs across Scarlett's lap and she was still wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket. It was getting late and it was dark outside so Scarlett thought it would be best to head up to bed.

She picked Andi up and brought her to her spare room which hopefully if all went according to plan, would be hers soon. A concerned look grew on the woman's face when she realized that the teenager was a lot lighter than she's supposed to be. Nonetheless, she carried the girl to the room but before walking out, she couldn't help but stare at the sleeping girl. She was so beautiful. Scarlett took her finger up to the girls face and traced her cute little nose. Traced along her cute but light freckles. Placed her finger on the girls adorable dimples. A huge smile grew on Scarlett's face and became even wider when she heard the smallest little snore come from the girls mouth that was slightly open. She loved this girl so much. And to think they'd only met today and not under the greatest circumstances. That didn't matter to her. This was her girl and no one was going to take her again.

Scarlett finally decided to get ready for bed, she was exhausted. She went to her bedroom which was across the way from the spare where Andi slept. She put her pajamas on, glad she had taken a shower this morning before she left, and went to her bathroom to brush her teeth. When she finished and was finally settled in bed, she realized she couldn't sleep. Something was on her mind and she knew exactly what it was. She quietly made her way into the spare room and even more quietly made her way under the covers and cuddled up next to Andi. Immediately feeling the contact of another person, Andi turned around so that she was facing Scarlett and wrapped her tiny, fragile arms around Scarlett's waist. She scooted closer so that her face was nuzzled into Scarlett's chest. She murmured a few incoherent words and then was back into her peaceful sleep. Scarlett couldn't help but smile. She spent another 35 minutes or so staring up at the ceiling as she thought about her future with her family. Two daughters and a loving husband. She slowly drifted into sleep.

3:43 am
"Please. I promise i'll do anything but please. Im tired," Andi whispered in her sleep. Her body started to shake and little whimpers could be heard coming from her. "Why? No, no, no, no." Each 'no' coming out a little louder than the one before. Scarlett opened her eyes at the sound of Andi's voice and felt the shaking and the sweat. Still a little hazy, she sat up. It finally registered, Andi was having a nightmare. She quickly grabbed the shaking teenager and pulled her between her legs, hugging her tight. "Andi, wake up. It's a nightmare. It's not real, none of it is real because you're here. You're here with me. Wake up baby, please wake up," Scarlett tried. Andi had stopped shaking but the small whimpers continued. "Oh baby girl, you're alright. Follow my voice. Open those eyes for me please. I need you to know that you're okay," Scarlett said while rocking them side to side. Her heart shattered after seeing her little girl in such pain.

Andi slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at Scarlett and immediately began to cry. She hugged Scarlett as tight as she could while Scarlett held her as tight as she could. They were holding each other so close that it seemed physically impossible for them to be any closer. As Scarlett let Andi cry it out, she stroked the girls hair and occasionally planted kisses on the girls head, sometimes whispering sweet nothings into her ear. This carried on until they both fell asleep in the same position.

8:06 am
When Scarlett had woken up, Andi was not on the bed anymore. She wasn't even in the room. Scarlett got up and carefully made her way around the house until she found Andi outside on the balcony. She went and got a hoodie and went outside to check on Andi. When she looked at the girl, she noticed her red eyes and puffy face. Andi did not look back up at Scarlett, she was too embarrassed. She had cried in front of Scarlett, that was embarrassing. Scarlett sat across from her until she decided to break the silence with a good morning. Andi returned the good morning but her gaze still remained anywhere other than Scarlett.

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