Chapter 4: We're okay

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3rd person POV:

"Andi, you ready?" Scarlett yelled from the front door. They were going to go pick Colin up at the airport, per Andi's request. She was incredibly excited to meet him and that overjoyed both Scarlett and Colin.

"Yeah, where is the coat you gave me?" Andi yelled back from the spare room which she was staying in.

"I don't know, I gave it to you!"

"Oh, nevermind I found it!"

Scarlett chuckled. She loved the bond she had with Andi even though they had just met. She wanted things to be like this for as long as possible because big changes were happening soon and she didn't know how Andi would take it.

Andi ran back into the living room. Scarlett had given her some clothes to change into and a coat since it was december and she had nothing but a thin long sleeve. "We should go shopping soon. You need some clothes," Scarlett told the girl. Andi nodded.

"Alright bug, you ready to head out?"

Bug. Andi will never not feel the butterflies she gets when Scarlett calls her that. She finally had someone that could give her cute nicknames and she loved it.

"Yeah, let's go."

Scarlett and Andi talked throughout the ride about random things to get to know each other better. Halfway through, they decided to put some music on. Andi took Scarlett's phone, with her permission of course, and connected it to the car to play music. They sang and danced and laughed. Andi had an amazing voice and Scarlett too, of course. Andi never thought that this is where she would be in life. She never thought she'd get to this point. When they finished their little jam session, Andi was looking out the window, taking everything in. She felt so much gratitude and happiness and joy. Scarlett would occasionally glance at her and smile. Scarlett too felt lucky and grateful.

When they arrived at the airport, Scarlett realized paparazzi was going to be all over the place. She hadn't thought about that.

"Andi, put these on," Scarlett handed the girl a pair of sunglasses and a hat. "When we go in you're gonna stay right by me the whole time."

Andi figured this was a paparazzi situation since Scarlett and Colin were famous and all. She nodded but her anxiety stared to creep up a little. She didn't want to make it a big deal though. She was excited and that was the only thing she wanted to be feeling right now.

Scarlett took ahold of Andi's hand and they walked in. As soon as they stepped foot inside the airport, the camera flashes and the yelling started. Andi squeezed Scarlett's hand and Scarlett squeezed back.

"Scarlett, look over here!"

"Scarlett, who's the girl with you?"

"Look here!" "Over here!" "Scarlett, this way!"

Andi could feel herself get more and more anxious. Her hands were starting to sweat and she was starting to shake.

It's not a big deal Andi. It's just a few camera flashes. Just ignore what they're saying. Scarlett does this all the time, so can you. Eyes forward. Keep walking. Don't pay attention.

Andi tried to ignore it but she couldn't. This wasn't something she was used to. Tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Scarlett, who's the girl?" "Scarlett, did you adopt a kid?" "Is this your new daughter?" "Scarlett, who's the mystery girl?" "Did you adopt a kid for the fame?"

That last one pushed Scarlett to the edge. She could feel Andi shaking, her sweaty palms, and she could hear the poor girls sniffles. She had enough.

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now