Chapter 6: Our girl

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⚠️ TW: NONE!! ⚠️

Andi's POV:

I cant believe this is really my life right now. I am now being fostered, a dream that I gave up as soon as I turned 13. I never in a million years thought I'd be here, with two almost parents.

"Andi." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Scarlett.

I looked at her and then at Colin without saying a word. And then I attacked them in a huge hug. I am eternally grateful for these two and I don't know how else to show it. At first they were hesitant, probably because they didn't know I was gonna do that, and then they wrapped me up in a tight hug.

"Aw baby, what's up?" Scarlett asked me with a little chuckle when she noticed I was crying. I didn't even notice I was crying.

"Thank you," was the only reply that I could come up with. I sniffled and then let them go. Colin ruffled my hair and just in time, the uber showed up. We're going shopping and I'm excited.

The drive wasn't too long and before I knew it, we were getting out of the uber. Colin payed and we walked inside. It wasn't too busy so i was okay. Except I have the tendency to he skeptical about everybody I encounter, which makes thing difficult even when I try to ignore it. We walked around a little and then stopped in front of a big white store.

"Come on, let's get you a phone." I just stared at him. I've never had people do nice things for me so I forgot how to function for a second. "Yeah, okay, let's go," I replied with a huge smile on my face.

"What color phone do you want?" Colin asked me.

"The white one, if they have it. The black-ish dark grey one if they don't," I told him and then walked away to find Scarlett. I found her sitting, scrolling through her phone. I sat down next to her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Hi bug, are you excited?"

"Yeah, I really am. I know I say this a lot or maybe I haven't said it enough but thank you. I cant imagine where Id be right now if you hadn't found me."

She hugs me and we stay like that until Colin comes over and hands me two bags. I furrow my brows and he tells me to look in the bags.

My eyes widen. In the bigger bag was a new laptop and in the smaller one was not only a new phone, but a pair of airpods.

"Woah, no way! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I jump up and hug him.

"Of course, pumpkin."

Pumpkin. I'll never get tired of hearing it.

I go and give Scarlett a hug too and then we walk out. We walked around and they let me go into whichever stores. I walked into a bunch of stores and started figuring out my style. They let me get whatever and I ended up with a lot of stuff. Our last stop was the Chick-fil-a drive thru. Who knew shopping could make you so hungry?


When we walked into the house it was it was already afternoon. I went straight to the guest room and set my things down but I only took a few things out and put them away because we'll be going back to LA soon.

After putting my things away I laid in bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

Colin's POV:

Andi hadn't come out of her room for a while so I walked up and knocked on her door. When I didn't get a response, I quietly opened the door the reveal a sleeping Andi. Cute little snores came out of her mouth, she looked incredibly peaceful.

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