Chapter 7: Emotional mornings, Good afternoons, and Bad nights

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⚠️TW: Panic attack !!

Andi's POV:

It's never ending. The articles, the social media posts, even the tiktoks people are making. Why did I even join that app? I see it everywhere. Even the news is saying stuff. Im not used to this and it's making me anxious and when I get anxious, I shut people out and build walls so I can't get hurt because of it.

My alarm starts blaring at 9:30 am. And soon I hear a knock at my door.

"Good morning, bug," Scarlett says upon entering my room. I just glare at her and then turn over and stuff my face into my pillow. It's too early.

She chuckles and walks over to my bedside. When I hear her approach me, I grab the covers and throw them over my head. I don't want to be awake right now.

"Andi, I know you're not a morning person but i'm gonna need you to get up because we have to go in one hour and I don't want to be late," my almost mom says to me as she tears the cover off me.

I groan loudly and then look up at her. I rub my eyes and then a small smile appears on my face.

"Good morning m- Scarlett," I say in my morning raspy voice. She smiles at me and then motions for me to get up and mouths, "up". I chuckle and then make my way into my bathroom.

After doing my little morning routine in the bathroom, I get dressed in something nice but casual. Today, we're going to visit THE Elizabeth Olsen. Im not as nervous as I thought id be but again, this is THE Elizabeth Olsen so I am a little nervous. I walk out and the smell of pancakes and bacon fills my nostrils.

"Wow, smells amazing. Like a little diner," I giggle.

Scarlett giggles along with me and slides me a plate with pancakes and bacon and a cup of chocolate milk. Oh, does this woman know me.

I haven't turned on the tv or checked my phone since yesterday because I cant handle the news and the articles. But Scar informed me that Colin texted me this morning so I grabbed my phone and checked the messages.

Almost dad: Good morning pumpkin
Almost dad: I hope you have a good day with Scar and Lizzie
Almost dad: I love you

I smile at the texts. It feels good to have people care about you.

Me: Good morning Colin
Me: I hope you have a good day too :)
Me: Ilyt

I finish texting Colin when I get a notification on tiktok that I've been tagged in a video. I am hesitant but curiosity gets the best of me and I end up clicking on the notification.

I stare at my screen. I don't have any words. Scarlett notices and just stares at me, probably hoping id say something. But I don't. I just look at my phone while the tiktok replays. After a little, I set my phone down on the counter and get up from the kitchen island. I walk to my room and shut the door and leave Scarlett out there, confused.

Scarlett's POV:

Andi was texting Colin back when all of a sudden her face drops. She stares at her phone screen and doesn't say a word. I look at her, hoping for some answers, but she doesn't say anything. And then she sets her phone down, gets up, and shuts her bedroom door. Leaving me standing in the kitchen, confused.

I walk towards her room and as I approach the door, I hear muffled cries. I lightly knock and wait for a response. I hear her sniffle and then she gets up and opens the door slowly. When she opens the door fully, she looks at me and then completely breaks down. She hugs me and just cries. I am so lost but I hug her back, giving her the comfort that she needs. I stroke her hair and kiss her head.

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