Chapter 21

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Carlisle POV

Alice was playing with Xavier and Adalaide outside on the side of the house, while I sitting there watching.

For some reason my vampire intuition something was about to happen, and I did know what was going to happen, but I feel like it going to be something very good that is going to happen.

I decided to goes and check on Bella, because I know that my venom is supposed to work by now.

Because it going take two days for the venom can fully turn Bella into a vampire and it already been two weeks since the twin was born.

While walking up the stairs into my office where Bella was located, I went up to her body and noticed that her body was changing, it didn't looked like it was when she first had the twin, her skin looks fuller and healthier looking, which was very weird to me.

(Example of what Bella looked like before when she was having the twin)

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(Example of what Bella looked like before when she was having the twin)

I went to check Bella pulse to see if there was something there, but it was nothing there, but what shocked me was that Bella moved her hand where I was just checking are pulse at.

(Author, note I know vampire don't have a pulse, but this is my imagination so just pretend that Bella is still somewhat human)

I look at Bella she had are eye open and looking straight at me, her eye was bright blood shot red just like a newborn eye are.

(Bella eye's)

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(Bella eye's)

Bella was looking around my office trying to get used to her new vampire sense that she finally has.

I went up to her and just hugged and felt on her body since I couldn't do it for a long time, I kind of forget that she is a new born vampire because she started hugging me back and felt like she had broke my bone a little bit.

Once we pulled out of the hug she asked about the baby and I told her that they are doing amazing, and Alice is taking great care of them.

I know Bella wants to see the twin but first I need to make sure that she fed with animal blood due to the fact that she is a new born vampire and they are very blood thirsty after the transformation.

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