chapter 15

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Bella pov

I walked in the living room and sat onto Carlisle lap. Carlisle started kissing me on my neck and I just started giggleing. Then Carlisle asked me what do I wanted to do today and I said let watch a movies and talk and kiss little for Alice don't know and Carlisle just kiss me. So Carlisle went into the kitchen to make some popcorn, I pick the movie that we going to watch I pick the fault in our stars. When Carlisle came back with the popcorn I push play to watch the movie. During the movie I was crying cause it is a really sad movie, carlisle was hold me while I cried in his arm. Once the movie was over Carlisle kiss me on the head said it going to be alright. Carlisle carried me into our room and just sit there and talk about the wedding and stuff like that.
Carlisle pov
I was in the kitchen making popcorn, while Bella pick the movie to watched. During the movie Bella was crying because the movie was so sad that I have to gave Bella some tissue to use. After the movie was over I toke Bella upstairs to our room for we can talk about the wedding and stuff like that. Once we got done talking I kiss Bella and just kissed me back then things got heated and I pulled away from Bella and she just pouted about it and I kiss her away and she smile at me.

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