chapter 6

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Bella pov

When I was finish put my dress on I walked downstairs. When I got downstairs Carlisle looked shocked and walked over where I was standing at put his hand out for I can grab it. So when I grab it Carlisle walked me out to his car and opened the door for me to get in when I got in Carlisle got in the driver seat and started somewhere I didn't know where I was going.When iIealize where we were in Port Angeles. I ask Carlisle where we were going, and he told me it was a surprise. When we got there I didn't know where we was until Carlisle toke my hand lead me were we was going. When we finally got there I was shocked, cause Carlisle had a blanket and a picnic basket layout for me and him. Carlisle told me to sit down next to him on the picnic blanket and I did. That night I will never forget in my life.
Carlisle pov

Once Bella was done eating, I ask her are you ready to go home and she yes. I gather up all the stuff and yoke Bella hand walked her back to the car, when we got home I grab Bella bride style into the house. Alice was happy when we came back home and give Bella a big hug, and told us that she and Jasper going away for a couple of days so you two can have the whole house to ourselves. When Alice said that I looked at Bella and she was smiling and blushing at me and I told Alice thank you and have a great vacation. Bella said that she going to be right back and I kiss her ok.
Bella pov

When Carlisle ask me if I was ready to go home and I told him yes and he gather all the stuff together and grab my hand for we can go home. When we got home Carlisle pick me up bride style into the house, once we got into the Alice came and gave me a hug and said that and Jasper is going away for a couple of days. Then Carlisle looked at me and I just smile and blushed at him. I told Carlisle that I be right back when I got to Carlisle room I took the dress off and put my night clothes on and walked back downstairs and sat on Carlisle lap. When I sat on Carlisle lap he whisper into my ear asking if I was sleeping and told him a little bit. Then Carlisle carries me into his room and lay me down on the bed and kiss me on the forehead and said goodnight and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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