chapter 5

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Carlisle pov

When Bella went to sleep, I got up and went downstairs to see Alice and Jasper having a heated make-out session. I cleared my throat and they looked shock, cause they didn't know I was right there and Jasper just looked mad for interrupt him them from what they was doing. I ask Alice what do she have plan for tomorrow. Alice said that she going to take Bella shopping and then you and Bella going out for dinner. I told her thank you and went back in the room where Bella was sleeping at. Bella started moving and then started screaming, so I ran to her and try to wake her up. When she woke up she started crying into my arm and I told her to calm down that I got her. Then I ask her what happen she said someone was trying to attack her. Then she went right back to sleep and didn't wake up the next morning. When Bella woke up I said Good Morning Beautiful. Then I went and got Bella her breakfast for she can eat it. When Bella finish her breakfast,she said that I can cook real good and I said thank you and told her that Alice taking her shopping today and she said fine I go but I won't like it. I kiss Bella and then Alice came into the room and took out of the room and get her dress for she can go shopping with Alice. Bella was looking at me sad, cause she wanted to stay with me. I just kiss her and told her that you going to see me soon and I have to hunting. She said okay and left with Alice.

Bella pov

When me and Alice got to the mall, Alice drag me into a dress shop with very short dresses that I will never wear in a thousand year. Alice started grabbing whole bunch of shirt dresses and put me into the a dressing room. When I came out Alice was jumping up and down about something. I ask alice why she was so happy for and she said that she love the dress on me and I said thank you. Then Alice toke me to a shoe store to get match shoe as my dress which is Blue with diamond on the side and it a strapless dress with a split on the side of it too. We found some blue wages with Diamond on it. Alice finially take me home from shopping for hours non-stop. When we got home Carlisle came out if the house and kiss me very passionately on the lips and I was blushing when he stop kissing me. He walked me into the house, and Alice drag me to her room and started doing mt hair and makeup. Once she was finish with my hair and  makeup and told me to go put my dress on.

Carlisle pov

When Bella came downstairs I stand up cause Bella was so beautiful my eye almost pop out of my head. I walked up to her and hold my hand out for she can take it. When she take it I walked her outside to the car and opened the door for her and she got in. I drove all the way to Port Angeles and got out to take to a secret hideout where I taking Bella out to eat at. When we got there I help Bella out of car and into my secret dinner hideout. Bella was shocked when she saw my secret hideout. I lay out the blanket and told Bella to sit down with me and she did. We was talking the whole time while Bella was eating her food.

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