chapter 2

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Bella pov
I was at La Push beach when something hit me. I didn't know what hit me, but I was unconscious and I didn't know what the thing or person was doing to me but I can't feel anything so I was scared that thing was going to kill me or not.
Carlisle pov
I pick up Bella and run her all the way to my old house before I moved away from it. When I got in there I run upstairs in started doing tested on Bella to make sure she was ok and everything. But it turned out that Bella has a couple of broken bones and ribs. When the heart monitor started beeping wildly and the monitor just slowed down. Bella's heart started normal and she started to move a little. Then I pick up the phone and call Alice and tell that she and Jasper should come to Forks to help me with Bella and for I can feed cause my eye starting to get black and I don't want to leave Bella just in case she wakes up soon.

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