04 : Result and the Butterfly

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Ryujin's hands are clammy and blood is rushing furiously in her arteries

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Ryujin's hands are clammy and blood is rushing furiously in her arteries.

Why? Because her mind is occupied with one particular boy.

However, ignoring everything, she tries to focus on the red butterfly she is drawing right now, sitting in a park. The green grass is covered with a beautiful white blanket of snow.

The butterfly is flying in the back of her Business-Std notebook - would be totally hidden from the world once the notebook is closed.

That's how she likes it. A secret between the pages and herself.

"Hey!" She stirs and abruptly closes her work, looking back at the voice of the owner. Ofcourse it is Beomgyu.

They talked about meeting in the park today to discuss their result ― for today was the D-Day.

The result day was supposed to come after their winter holidays, but their school decided to be a bitch and release it earlier to ruin their vacations.

"Didn't know you could draw too," Beomgyu raises a brow.

"Oh shut up," she rolls her eyes at her best friend and stands up from the bench, dusting the non existent dirt off her woollen pants.

She now faces him completely and fuck- how she wishes she hadn't done that because he looks so cute in that white beanie.

His nose is red because of the cold and his cheeks are too.

A pregnant pause falls between them as they want to speak about that topic but none of them is courageous enough, at least that's what she assumes.

But he soon clears his throat and she looks away, breaking the eye contact.

"What was your, uhm, score?" Ryujin asks, fiddling with the spiral of her notebook.

Saying that she's curious would be an understatement. She's dying to know.

"First tell me yours?" He asks, a cloud of fog leaving his lips as he speaks.

The blond inhales a long breath and then squeals. "Ninty-three percent!"

His eyes suddenly light up. "WOAH- THAT'S GREAT!" He bumps her shoulder and she starts laughing.

They had always been like this, celebrating her good grades and laughing on his bad ones.

But this one is a little different. A lot actually.

Her heart is beating fastly at this, craving for his score and make sure whether she will be kissing him or not.

The red butterfly she drew is curious too. At least she believes so. Because it is no longer in her notebook - but in the depth of her stomach.

It's just a kiss. That's what she had been telling to herself all the way but she knows it better that it isn't just a kiss at this point.

"What a-bout you?" She curses herself mentally for stuttering and watches his corner of the mouth twitch upwards.

Her mind is confused, it really doesn't know what she wants.

"Uhm," he licks his lips. "I got seventy-six percent."

Ryujin's mouth and eyes widen as the words slip his lips.

She doesn't say anything - for what felt like five minutes to Beomgyu - before gasping loudly.

"SEVENTY FUCKING SIX PERCENT?!" She exclaims dramatically. "That's huge, no, like HUGE huge!"

Beomgyu tries to calm her down because many people in the park are looking at them. But she definitely doesn't care.

"You've never even passed in maths and now- oh my god it's so unbelievable! You did so good!"

"Yea- thanks, I was surprised too." He smiles sheepishly, shrugging off as if it's no big deal.

"Did you tell your father about it? Lia unnie? What did they say? Did th-"

"Chill," he chuckles. "Yes I told everyone, they were all happy, in fact, I've never seen them this happy and it makes me kinda happy too."

"Oh you fucking should be!" She beams and throws her arms in the air, the cold of december evening not affecting her anymore.

Her movements seize when she sees that Beomgyu is looking at her intently.

Her face flushes as she lowers her gaze and whispers. "I'm proud of you."

"But I lost the bet though," he clicks his tongue and pouts a little. "It was more important to me than the marks."

Ryujin bites her lips, maybe to refrain herself from smiling like an idiot. She then groans, patience level having reached max, and her notebook falls out of her hand.

"Gosh, for fuck's sake c'mere," she pulls him from the collar of his sweater and connects their lips.

"Gosh, for fuck's sake c'mere," she pulls him from the collar of his sweater and connects their lips

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