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This is a daycare attendant x female reader fanfic.

This is a daycare attendant x female reader fanfic

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Dark mode is recommended.
Contains: CNC, praise kink,
threat kink, overstimulation,
dom Moondrop.

Cringe warning.

The refined Fazbear super plaza had recently opened, and it was your second week working for the fine establishment. Animal inspired robots roamed the building, but one seemed especially human to you.
     A friendly daycare attendant named Sundrop, who'd always greet you but would warn you to make sure the generators were functioning before visiting his daycare. For when the lights were out, you'd be met with a grim counterpart to the sunny man.
     But how bad could he be?


     Your eyes met the desolate play structure, and without hesitation you hurriedly met the closest opening with your bare knees.
Unfortunately, the uniform you were given wasn't meant for high-speed climbing through tight plastic tunnels, and as you weaved through the infinite playground your knees and palms became increasingly tender and sore.

     "(Y/n)... You didn't tell me we were playing a game of hide and seek..." The daycare attendant spoke tightly through his teeth. The lights had failed for the first time in forever, and you were dealing with sundrops alternate personality he had informed you of.

     "I guess I'll count, and you will find somewhere good to hide..." His voice was coarse, and you were unable to tell how close the warped robot was.

     Desperately, you squeezed through a small opening that led into a small plastic room hidden within the maze of play tunnels. You pressed up against the round wall, as your strained puffs for oxygen bounced around the small chamber.

     Your flashlight slipped from your clutch, meeting the floor with a clunk and rolling across the cheap plastic. A boastful compilation of chuckles sounded from the other side of the wall you propped your head against. The room was too dark to see, but the laughter was getting louder and grew in hostility as it neared. You shuffled to camouflage near the opening to the tiny room, hoping the daycare attendant would just pass by.

     Boy were you wrong.

     You mouthed curses as you realized you had left your dead flashlight in plain sight for the man to see. A glowing red aura pooled into the small area, and progressively grew ablaze. You hugged your knees to your chest halting your exasperated breaths, and listening for the attendants next move. His agitated pants lingered ambitiously then ceased quickly. Immediately you were confronted with a red beam surging into the room, coasting over the discarded flashlight, but stopping just at your feet.

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