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The saddest person when the Tianhao Building Materials Group is destroyed is Mrs. Yoo.

Now the Yoo family’s economy is a little stagnant, she also hopes that Karina can persuade Tianhao Building Materials Group to first release a batch of building materials on credit, which can be regarded as a disguised solution to the financial pressure.

Unexpectedly, the entire Tianhao Building Materials Group was wiped out in one afternoon!

Now, what Lady Yoo worries about most is the issue of funds. How to raise a sum of funds has become her greatest nightmare.

Karina did not tell her grandmother what happened yesterday. With this experience, she secretly decided not to deal with other family matters in the future and concentrate on cooperating with the Emgrand Group. Other things, even if grandma asks, she will never interfere.

The next day, Karina recovered from a lot of mental and physical conditions, and couldn’t wait to go to work.

Y/n went out in the morning to go shopping for groceries, and when she returned home, she saw the Old Master, Gong Yoo, sitting on the sofa with a depressed expression and sighed.

She frowned and asked: “Dad, why are you in a bad mood? Who made you unhappy again? Could it be that you were cheated on buying antiques once again?”

Gong Yoo took a sip of jasmine tea and said angrily: “Don't mention antiques, sh!t, I'm angry when you mention it!”

“What?” Y/n couldn’t help asking: “Are you really cheated?”

Gong Yoo said: “It's not, it's because of the number of places in the auction of Treasure Pavilion!”

Y/n asked in surprise: “What is Treasure Pavilion?”

“It is a clubhouse of the Wrestvel Cultural and Play Association. It often holds high-end auctions of culture and antiqued. The auction are all good things that are not available on the market. Every family has a one person to participate.”

When Gong Yoo spoke, a trace of fascination appeared on his face.

But then, he said in a frustrated voice: “The Yoo family got an invitation letter, and your grandma actually gave it to wooyoung. That kid has never been in contact with antiques at all and doesn't understand anything. What are you going to do? Shame on it!”

Y/n knew that her father-in-law was very obsessed with antiques, and it must be very uncomfortable for him to lose this opportunity.

So Y/n smiled and said: “Dad, if you really want to go, you can ask me to buy an invitation letter.”

Gong Yoo waved his hand: “The organizer of the Treasure Paviliom auction is the Jang family. The Jang family is the most powerful family in Wrestvel. I don't know how many people want it, how can it be bought.”

Y/n smiled.

It turned out to be an auction organized by the Jang family.

Wonyoung, the eldest of the Jang family, didn’t she beg her to help identify antiques?

Little things like invitation letters should be solved by saying hello to her.

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