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Jinsoul and Fredmen lived upstairs. The couple looked at each other and hurriedly went out to find out.

At this time, Jinsoul ran down from upstairs with a crying voice.

Byunghun saw that there were still five fingerprints on her face, and asked quickly: “Jinsoul, what's the matter? Did Fredmen hit you?”

Jinsoul cried and said: “Dad, Mom, he suddenly stopped working. I tried all kinds of methods and he still couldn't work. As a result, he became angry and slapped me.”

“It doesn't work?” Byunghun asked in surprise: “What's wrong? What's the matter?”

Jinsoul couldn’t take care of her clothes anymore, and hurriedly explained: “It"s just that it's not working, the man’s one, there is no reaction at all!!”

“Huh?” Hyunjo asked in surprise: “Could it be that he’s getting older and not easy to use?”

Jinsoul shook her head repeatedly: “No! It was alive and well yesterday! It suddenly unusable today.”

Only then did Byunghun understand why his daughter was slapped in the face.

To be honest, a man who suddenly loses that ability will definitely lose his mind.

As he was thinking, Fredmen hurriedly ran down from upstairs wrapped in his nightgown.

Hyunjo hurriedly asked: “Fredmen, what's going on? Why is Jinsoul not doing well? You can tell her that there is no need to slap her, right?”

Fredmen’s expression was extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Don't you fucking bullshit, hurry up and drive me to the hospital!”

Byunghun was slightly dissatisfied with Fredmen’s attitude. Just thinking about the theory, the Lady Yoo also came over and said with a black face: “Byunghun! What are you doing in a daze? Fredmen’s body is the most important thing! Go and drive!”

Seeing that the Lady Yoo had come out to give orders, Byunghun didn’t dare to talk more, let alone delay, so he quickly picked up the car key and took Fredmen to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Fredmen’s expression was so ugly, and he hated Y/n to death at this time!

He finally understands what Y/n said before!

Stepping on this into a lump of rotten meat, it is better to make himself look at the unusable roots uncomfortable.

Knew it!

This bastard didn’t know what method she used, so quietly, he was deprived of all the ability to be a man!

How did she do it? She obviously didn’t do any harm to his roots!

Why suddenly he can’t use it? !

He has been paying great attention to this aspect of maintenance for so many years. There are millions spent on kidney and qi every year. It has always been said to be a livelihood, even more than a young woman in his twenties. Nothing less!

What did Y/n do to him?

The more Fredmen thought about it, the more panicked he always felt that Y/n seemed strange!

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