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Mingyu was also stunned.

Thomson’s villa is the most valuable property in the hands of the entire Kim family.

This house is owned by Naesang, the current owner of the Kim family and the uncle of Mingyu.

Naesang, Suho Kim's father, is currently the head of the Kim family, while Mingyu’s father is only the second in command.

This villa, let alone Mingyu, even Mingyu's dad is greedy, but there is no way, their family simply can’t afford such an expensive villa.

Hearing that the uncle even gave this villa to Y/n, Mingyu was also extremely shocked and uncomfortable, and immediately said to Jinsoul: “Wait a moment, I will ask my uncle.”

Jinsoul hung up the phone, gritted her teeth and looked at Y/n, and questioned: “Y/n, what trick did you do to get this villa from Uncle?”

Y/n said lightly: “Mr. Naesang chased me to give away this villa to me.”

“You nonsense!” Jinsoul blurted out suddenly: “You have nothing to do with the Kim family. How could Uncle Kim give you such an expensive house for no reason! You must have used some shameful means!”

At this time, Mingyu called Jinsoul and said: “Jinsoul, my uncle seemed to be busy, so he just hung up my phone after saying a word.”

Y/n sneered, and directly took out the phone to turn on the speakerphone and dialed Naesang’s number.

With a beep, the phone was connected instantly.

Jinsoul was stunned on the spot.

“Ms. Lim!” Naesang's voice was full of flattery: “Ms. Lim should have visited the villa at Thomson? I wonder if Ms. Lim is satisfied?”

Y/n said directly: “I saw the villa, and it's not bad overall, it is interesting.”

Naesang hurriedly said: “Ms. Lim, I'm glad you like it!”

Y/n said calmly: “I just called to tell you that I'm quite satisfied with the villa.”

“If you have any needs, please tell me at any time, and I will try my best to solve it! Try to make Ms. Lim satisfied!”

The crowd around was silent and in shock.

Unexpectedly, this villa was actually given to Y/n by Naesang. Why?

Unexpectedly, Naesang, who had to be respectful even after meeting his fiancé, would kneel and lick Y/n’s rubbish like a dog! This made Jinsoul feel hot on her face, and she couldn’t help her face.

She finally couldn’t help but asked aloud to Y/n’s cell phone: “Uncle Kim, I am Mingyu's fiancee Jinsoul. You will never give the villa to Y/n for no reason. What is the reason?”

“Huh, what are you? You dare to ask about my personal affairs?”

Naesang said coldly.

Jinsoul's face was hot.

Y/n said lightly: “Naesang, you should explain to them, otherwise, they will think I lied to you.”

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